1: Percy

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We were hosting the second annual "Former Crew of the Argo 2" party, in our house in new Rome, at least a hundred demigods and legacies from both new Rome and camp halfblood.

I was almost having to hold Annabeth up. She wasn't going to drink but Dyonisis decided to mess everything up and enchant all the food so it would turn into wine once ingested.

So we were both pretty drunk...so was the majority of everyone there.

Leave things to Dyonisis and everything all will be screwed...maybe literally aswell. Leo was getting way too much attention from the Aphrodite girls... and boys.

Things were getting out of control, I hate to admit this but the only people I know who are capable of getting a hundred drunk demigods to calm down, are Jason, Reyna and...

"Annabeth" I whispered,

"huh!" She turned around and her head wiped back and knocked me in the jaw,

"ouch" we both yelled. A water fountain erupted nearby.


A group of Ares kids yelled and backed away, "who messed with the Posidon kid again!?" Someone shouted.


I tried to make a graceful exit, it was hard tho, Annabeth was still moaning and rubbing her head. I escaped and made way to some hallway, he really didn't need fifty Ares kids after him in this state.

I made the mistake of looking to make sure we were alone.

Holy Hera I think Will and Nico are kissing, great. Here goes nothing I clrated my throat "um guys!" I interrupted they pulled away so fast they literally jumped away from eachother.

"awe"Annabeth cooed, and batted her eyelashes I almost facepalmed.

"Tattoo time" Nico yelled, it was his first time being so drunk. I guess.

"yeah!!" Annabeth yelled. It was then that I knew I was gonna have to go with them, I mean someone had to make sure Annabeth didn't get my name tattooed on her butt, although it would be kind of flattering, if it was blue.


The next morning

I woke up on my on my couch, with Annabeth asleep on top of me, she smelled like alcohol, so did I. Wait a minute I'm not wearing a shirt, neither is she...oh yeah we were getting tattoos...oh Gods. I gently pushed her off of me, but she rolled to the floor with a splat, she groaned as she made contact with the ground. I just made a bee line for the bathroom mirror. i checked my Fingers first, my hands next, so far so good. Then my arms, biceps around my shoulders, nothing yet, my neck, clean. I quickly turned around to check my back, blank also. I faced the mirror afraid to look further down, i just checked my stomach and-

Ooooh I found it..

I like it...

Its right over my heart, a trident the size of my fist, in dark blue.

You know come to think of it my mom, Sally, is probably going to kill me, if I don't get killed before she gets the chance, but to be honest I don't think my dad, Posidon, would let her. I did sort of just mark myself as his own. Oh no i wonder what Annabeth got!!!!

Holy Hera whatever it is I hope she didnt flash anything to those filthy little Hebe cabin kids, their children of the goddes of youth, but really they just live by YOLO and "do anything and everything you want before the age of legal arrest". Although I will grant it to them, they can be a heck of a lot of fun at parties, and they do make good tattoo artists.

"PERSEUS JACKSON!!!!" Anabeth yelled, I almost fell out of my skin she was right behind me. Oh Gods what is she yelling about now....

He he he...until next time my fellow demigods!

Percy Jackson meets Torak of the Wolf ClanWhere stories live. Discover now