3: Frank Zhang

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I didn't make it to Percy and Anabeths huge party last night, neither did Hazel or Leo. You see we've been working on a small quest-thingy for some camp half-blood kids, they're looking for a way to talk to my ancestors, something about my shapeshifting ability. Originaly Chiron didn't want the quest to be completed but Rachel Elizabeth dare the oracle can be pretty convincing. I wasn't told much, only a small prophecy, and that my role was to guide and help those assigned to the quest. The prophecy went something like this.

The child of the sea,
the darkness,
the light,
Must speak to the boy who's soul can stroll.
For help they plea from his son whos form is not fixed,
and from him who has fire at his fingertips.
Together the answer will be found,
If they make it back to half-blood mound.

I know right, it's vague, confusing and seamingly pointless. Rachel thinks it's pretty important though, and everyone trusts her.
Chiron says that the one who's soul can stroll is talking about a very powerful demigod who lived hundreds of years ago, he was my ancestor, we don't know his name we just know that people like me, people with his gift were called spirit walkers. So " his son whos form is not fixed" is me. So fair enough I was instructed to help with the quest.
When I heard "The child of the sea" I immediately though Percy, but that couldn't be so we decided to let a distance legacy of Poseidon, a quiet shy African American boy who was transferred from New Rome named Aquarius.
The child of light was apparently some overly peppy bleached blond girl with a bright orange tan, and sunburned shoulders, from the Apollo cabin.
I also thought the child of darkness would be nico, but Chiron assigned Hazel instead but she declined naturally it wouldn't be safe for her. She's pregnant with our first child and she's due in a week or so. I have enough stress and nervousness already. So nico did get appointed but he's hasn't been any help so far wheneverhe's in camp he disappears with Will Solace. Or, like last night, he parties.
Obviously "him who has fire at his fingertips" is referring to Leo, who now owns a mechanics shop with Calypso. They fix cars during the day, as cover. Secretly they build and fix weapons and technology for the gods, for the Amazons, for New Rome and for camp half-blood. He came over to the camp with his finished version of what he wanted to call Valdezeriner (but decided to call time dial) last night so we could run an unauthorized test drive.
With my amazing luck it went great...that is sarcasm btw.
Firstly we didn't know who was gonna be sent back, or how many people. We didn't know where or when they'ed end up. All we knew was it would take us to a spirit-walker.
When I found out how risky it was I tried to stop Leo, bit it was too late.
Im stuck between goldfish form and spider form, I probably look terrifying. Leo is on fire and so is the workshop. Leo is trying to crank back the time dial but instead he sets it on fire too. All hope is lost then some campers bring fire extinguishers and douse Leos fire till there's nothing left but ash. And I finally morph back to my own body.

I have questions, and I'm sure Chiron will also want to know the answers to

Who was sent back?

(I call hazel first, she's good and safe, phew)

How were they sent? Where?
And, how can we reach them?

See You Later Alligator!

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