4: Nico DiAngelo

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As soon as Annabeth got back I grab Will and Percy. We all gather around the makeup back. Annabeth slowly unzips it.
Inside a small cyclone looking thing swirls.
"what the heck?" I cock an eyebrow.
"You should probably-" Percy begins.
Annabeth is suddenly sucked into the bag.
I flinch.
"-step back" Percys warning was too late.
The cyclone is rapidly growing. Percy reaches in for Annabeth he gets sucked in too.
I wince
"what is it! do we do!" Will is freaking out
"I don't know" I snap
"we gotta get them out!" Will looks concerned.
I grab a lamppost and discard the lampshade. I toss it to Will.
"here, fish em out!"
The cyclone is almost covering half the bathroom floor now.
Will stands away from the cyclone, and slowly sticks the pole in.
"grab on" Will yells toward it.
We wait.
Nothing happens.
I turn away for one flipping second and Will is gone, sucked in.
Now I'm freaking out, what do I do. I have to be with him! Wherever he went he has Percy and Annabeth, but he doesn't have me.
This is stupid I know.
But I do it anyways I write a quick note and leave it on the floor so others will come after us. Then I dive into swirling mess.
I wake up lying in....a bush?
My head is spinning and there's blood on my forehead which is burried in the back of someone's....Knee?
I think
I look up and see blonde curls.
She groans "I think my ankle is broken!"

Percy Jackson meets Torak of the Wolf ClanWhere stories live. Discover now