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Rebekah POV:

Y/n shushed me after I heard a 2nd heartbeat. She looked around nervously. I started putting the pieces together, so if Elijah got Hayley pregnant he's too loyal to cheat which leaves Niklaus. "Oh my- you." I was practically speechless. "Are you...mad?" she asked. "No just surprised I guess." I told her and it looked like weight was taken off her shoulders. "He doesn't know, yet." I widen my eyes. 

"When are you going to tell him?" I asked "I don't know when or how. You guys have any suggestions?" I shook my head no. "I just told Elijah, but obviously it's different for you." Hayley told her. "He's a hybrid he'll hear the heart beat sometime." "He'll be pissed if you don't tell him yourself." I told her. "Fine I'll tell him sometime."

 y/n POV: 

Dammit, I  know they're right I have to tell him. I sighed and went inside. Klaus was sitting on the old fashion couch. I walked up to him, "I need to tell you something." I said vaguely "I'm waiting." He said. I held out my hand "Look through my thoughts." He hesitated but put hand on mine. Flashes of sitting the bar, and then of Sophie telling me about it, and finally her doing the spell that woke me back up from passing out.

 He dropped my hand with wide eyes. "That's not possible, I'm a vampire." he said "You have the werewolf gene." He leaned back obviously thinking he almost looked angry. I walked back outside and sat next to Hayley and Rebekah who were sitting on one of the brick steps. "How did it go." Hayley asked "Ok, I guess." I replied while playing with my jacket's zipper.

They looked at each other and shrugged. We chatted for a while until it was dark out. I went up to my room and picked out a pair of black silk pajamas. I put them on and laid on my bed for a while thinking about the crazy fact I was going to be a mom. It made me nervous and my heart rate was getting high thinking about it. I finally fell asleep after laying their.

At 3:00am you woke up really thirsty, so I quietly got up and walked downstairs. The kitchen lights were on which was strange for it was late. You walked in and saw Klaus drinking a glass of whiskey. "Couldn't sleep?" you asked, he nodded. I grabbed a glass from the cabinet. I filled it with water, I leaned against the counter and drank the glass. I was about to walk back up the stairs when Klaus stopped me. "Why didn't you tell me when you came into the car?" he asked in his perfect accent. "I didn't know how you would react." I replied genuinely. He nodded and I walked back to my room. 

I let a sigh out my nose while I sat on the white covers. I laid on my side and looked at my stomach. I bit my lip and I rest my left hand on the top of my stomach. I closed my eyes and drift off to sleep. 


My eyes flutter open once the bright light hits my eye lids. I blink a few times trying wake up. I sit up and sit on the edge of my bed and start to put my feet on the floor. The cold of the floor sent shivers down my spine instantly waking me up. I looked at the time on my phone and read 6:27. I went down the stairs to get coffee and realized I wasn't supposed to have caffeine. "Fuck." I muttered. I poured myself a cup of water and drank it quickly. 

Soon Rebekah came down and let her one night stand out the front door. "Hey." I said "Coffee?" she asked. "Can't." I replied while pointing to my stomach. "Right." she nodded while pouring herself a cup. Soon Hayley came out and walked down the stairs and I sat on a bar stool. 

"Are you guys going to the music festival?" Hayley asked "I'm going, Klaus and Elijah are planning something on Marcel and his goons." Rebekah said while taking sips. "I guess i'll go then." I said while opening the fridge and grabbing the orange juice. 

*****time skip to 9:00pm*****

I wore a pink dress with strawberries on it and a pair of white sneakers, I put my y/h/c into wavy curls and did some light makeup. (you can change it to whatever you would have worn). I waited for Hayley and Rebekah downstairs and once they finally came we walked down the side walks to the festival. 

The streets were packed with people while small banding were playing loud jazz music. I turned around after I felt the presence of extremely strong power. A teenage girl with brown hair and loose curls was standing there and then the girl from Rousseau's was next to her I remembered her as Cami. 

"Hey, its Cami right?" I asked her "Yeah, you're from Rousseau's right?" she asked "Yeah." I replied "This is my friend Davina." she said pointing to the girl, I shook hand with Davina and I felt her power. "You're a witch aren't you?" I said. she looked at Cami and then nodded her head yes. "Same." I said

I turned back around to see Hayley and Rebekah gone. "Well I've been ditched can I join you guys." I asked "Sure" they said. "Thanks." and then we started walking again. We went to an alley way and we saw some people with some drinks we hung around there for a while until I saw Klaus walking by holding a boy with a fiddle in his hand. "Tim!" Davina shouted and Klaus and him stopped. 

"y/n what are you doing you're supposed to be with Rebekah!" Klaus roared "They ditched me, and why do you have a boy being held hostage?" I asked "For leverage to get her but now I won't need him" he said while snapping his neck and pointing at Davina. I gasped. he fell to the ground and Davina starred at his lifeless body while tears ran down her cheeks. 

 Klaus tried to grab her but she started to mutter a spell and he fell to his knees while holding his head. I didn't know what to do so I decided to get Cami out of here "Davina I'll be back." she nodded and I ran Cami to Rousseau's "Stay here and lock the door I'll be back soon, ok?" I said and Cami nodded. I ran back to the alley to see it empty "Shit." I muttered, I felt a surge of power and knew it was Davina so I started to follow it.

I ended up at a large church and then into it's attic. Davina was in there sitting on her bed crying. "Davina?" I whispered and and she looked at me "He's dead." she cried "Davina it will be ok I promise, you'll be ok." I told her and she sniffed "I know but it's still hard." she said while crying.

 "Y/n I know you're here I can smell you." I heard Klaus' voice. I widened my eyes and quickly went back down after giving Davina one last hug. Klaus grabbed me and pulled me into a hug.  my stomach started getting butterflies. I furrowed my brows in confusion. "Don't ever leave like that again." He let go and grabbed me by the arm pulling me out the door of the church, he lectured me about how stupid I was going with another witch all the way back to the compound. 

once he finally stopped acting like I was 9 years old I went upstairs and showered. Once I was done I put on a pair of pajamas. I looked at my clock and realized it was already 1:00 am. I laid in my bed and went to sleep. At 3:00 am I woke up when an arm grabbed me and put their hand over my mouth. I tried to kick at them but I couldn't get away. 

Suddenly a cloud of black fog was coming out of my nose and mouth while black liquid was coming out of my eyes. The kidnapped that I identified as a vampire started screaming as the fog hit his skin and he started decaying into dust. Klaus almost knocked the door of the hinges when he came in seeing the decaying vampire. His eyes widen realizing that the fog was coming from me. Once there was only dust left the fog stopped and the liquid disappeared from my eyes I stood there in shock with my heart racing.

 Klaus came and hugged my and said "Calm down, high heart rate isn't good for the baby." you started to relax a little and you heart rate went down. Klaus let go of you and said "Let's go, you aren't safe in here alone." You went and you walked into his room. He laid down and told you to also lay down. he wrapped his hands around your waist. he chuckled when he heard your heart beat speed up a little. You flipped him off in response. "Not in front of the baby." you laughed lightly and he switched the light off. You fell asleep easily as you knew you were safe.


thank you guys so much for 100 reader already and thank you @wolfpack2122 for voting on all my chapters. And feel free to leave constructive criticism in the comments. Also I didn't intend to make it this long but I had writers block for a while and then tonight I had an idea and couldn't stop writing. 

-Hannah <3 

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