the beginning

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There was a boy named Izuku Midoriya he was born in a world were 80 percent of the population has a super power called quirks. Quirks have been around for a century now and the whole of the world has been constantly changing to acomadate Earth's new super powers. At first there was  chaos people used their quirks to steal and fight others. No ordinary person could fight with quirks then heros rose up and come down these now named villains. People started to bring the chaos in control with heros. In years the people started idolizing these heros. This has spiralled downwards to creat the society today were heros are people that use their title for popularity and money and to get what you want. Where as villains are using the same reasons exsep by stealing and hurting people. And now we get into our story with Izuku.

Izuku Midoriya has look up to heros since he has learned to walk . He completely idolizes them his favorite hero is All Might the number one hero. Izuku when he was three would watch All Might save people with a smile on his face. Izuku was a timid child in every thing other than hero talk.

Izuku lived with his only parent Inko Midoriya one day when he turned four she brought Izuku to the quirk doctor. Izuku was exited to go see what his quirk is his mom took him to the doctor and they did the tests. Izuku was then then told the most crushing new in his entire life. He was quirk less. The worst thing was not that he was quirk less but that he would be bullied by his class mates  and Best friend Katsuki Bakugo.this would scar bad in pre school but it would get so bat as being told to kill him self by his former best friend.

~time skip bought to you by Izuku breaking his bones~

Today is Izuku's birthday.
-POV. Izuku
I wake up I look into my All Might infested room I can see that every thing is in order I get out of bed and do all my morning rootines like brush my teeth shower and dry my hair. I get down stairs the smell of  raspberries and pancakes wafts into my nose.( mom's cooking ) I race down the stairs as fast as I can there I see my mother cooking food. The table is already set and ready to eat.

IZUKU- hi mom

My mom turns around.

Mom- hi sweety happy birthday.

Mom tackled me in a bone crushing hug .

Mom- so what do you want to do this year for your birthday Izuku?

Izuku- I really want to go to the new All Might exhibit that they opened up his year. It has been like the only thing on my mind exsept spending the day with my mom of course. So can we mom.

I give my most cute face I can give. My mom gives in emmidiatly.

Mom- sure sweety but we need to be careful and stay away from strangers and stay close to your mom. Ok!

Izuku- I will mom!

I jump up out of my chair in excitement.

Mom- not now sweety you have to stay and finish your breakfast so you can have energy to look around the exhibit .

Izuku- ok mom I will

~time skip two hours later~

Mom- are you ready sweety?

Izuku- yes mom I am ready.

The car started mom put in the address into the the phone map and we were off to THE ALL MIGHT EXHIBIT YAY!!( Izuku is just excited it is his perspective so yeah)

Izuku and Inko get there is four white pillers that hold a giant archway to get into the museum. Izuku and his mom spend a lovely time looking at All Mights old and new costume's he has worn. The exhibit did close at seven so we had to go leave the exhibit.

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