Echo through the page's

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Case File #144

Name: Paige Underwood

Sex: Female

Age: 23

Where-about: Unknown

Picture: N/A (work in progress)

Last seen: Nightingale Avenue

Case: Unsolved

This is where the story starts but then again

this isn't like most stories ........


My name is Echo Morningstar and I'm a PI at Star Investigators and I live in a town where things are a little different, we have a curfew when the sun sets, we must stay indoors and this is what we did every day from sun up to sun down the town was alive. it's been this way for has long has I can remember.

I was hired 3 years ago to look in to the disappearance of a young lady named Paige Underwood, there was nothing really in the file just a name, age and the last seen area. Her roommate reported her missing three days after she was last seen, I looked in to everything and it looked like a dead-end case but there was something about this case I couldn't quiet put my finger on, unsure what it was I kept on researching and looking at everything I had and I'm still none the wiser,

All alone at night sitting at my desk looking at the file number that's burned in to my brain the same file that has me at a standstill, the one case I was unable to solve. when I think back to when I first got the case, I thought basic run away or violent ex but it's nothing like that she just disappeared no clues nothing and I can't seem to drop it, I keep it open in case there was anything I missed, that maybe I will pick it up and see something new. Every night I look at this file and still nothing and I promise myself I will solve this if it the last thing I do I will find out what happened to her...

My alarm goes off at 5am sun rise this is when my day starts, once I'm up washed and dressed I start my day by checking my emails chasing up leads and chatting with friend's normal everyday stuff, today is just like any other day but in my inbox is an email offering me info for money I laugh it off has a scam and delete it without opening it. Has I start my day I go through all my open cases and I stop on case file #144, I take a deep breath and move on.

Picking up case file #159 which I call scorned woman this lady believes her husband is cheating on her with her best friend, easy open and closed case, I grab my bag and off I go I find the husband and he is indeed cheating but not with her best friend it's with his I take the pictures and call her. Once I tell her what I saw and the proof have is handed over I get paid and leave. I grab a coffee go shopping and head home before it gets dark, I don't like being out after dark, I get home and cook some dinner feed my little puppy Archie some food, I make sure everything is locked up and the shutters are bolted I block out the night. I sit and do some work once the computer screen becomes blurry, I save my notes and close it down, I head to the bathroom where I start to run a bath I relax in the tub for about an hour and I get out getting changed and head to bed this is my normal day, promising myself that tomorrow would be the day I get the answers I close my eyes and drift off to sleep.

I'm woken up by a noise outside at 3.30am I lay there trying to focus on the sound to try and make it out I don't really fancy getting up out of bed and unbolting my shutters, I look over to Archie whom seem to not of noticed the sound he snoring laying in a funny position I can't help but giggle. I notice it's starting to get a little brighter outside from the tiny pin holes I put in my shutters I try to fall back to sleep, but the sound gets louder Something inside me tells me to investigate. I look over and Archie is still snoring knowing the noise isn't him I get up and reach for my phone hoping the sound is not from inside my apartment, slowly I head to the kitchen and grab a knife sweeping my apartment I check every room seeing nothing, I head toward the front door. Looking though the peep hole I notice my neighbor Becca trying to unlock her door I speak though the door and ask her if she's ok, she turns gives me the thumbs up and walks in to her place locking the door behind her, I decide to make myself a coffee and start my day once I've had my caffeine intake I shower and boot up the laptop. I begin my day chose a case solve the case get paid go shopping sometimes I wish for something different, Days go by and they start to blur together by the 5th night after the strange noise that woke me up I'm woken again I look at the clock and notices it 3.30am the same sounds are once again outside thinking this to be Becca I get up and head to my door I open it and what's on the other side has me struggling to breathe all I see is a tall dark figure with eerie ice white eyes.

Echo through the pagesWhere stories live. Discover now