part 4

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I told him I needed time to think this is a very big decision to make and one I can't make in a minute I said he understood but he needed to know asap because his father has given him a week to inform him what was happening, I grabbed my drink and downed it in one and asked for another. I wasn't sure what to do so we sat and talked all night and at first light I grabbed my things and left, I needed time alone to think. I headed home with a very bad headache and an aching heart.

I didn't want to lose him but I didn't want to lose myself either, once home I had a hot bath changed in to some comfy PJ's and climbed into bed, I thought on everything that has happened over the cause of a month since I met Blaze. I must of fell asleep because when I woke it was getting dark out, I got up to lock up my appointment when I phone when off, I looked to see a text message from Blaze......

Blaze... Why did you leave? I woke up and you were missing.

Me.... I need time to think, I didn't mean to make you worry.

Blaze.... I understand the need to think I have asked you to basically change your life around for me, I wouldn't blame you if you told me NO........

Me..... I don't know what I'm going to do, I'm so sorry I need time.

Blaze...... I understand Echo, I'm here when you're ready.

I put down my phone and lock up, not really in the mood to eat I make a coffee and go back to bed I don't sleep much; I toss and turn all night when the sun starts to come up and open up the apartment open the windows to get the fresh air in and I sit there looking out thinking about my life with Blaze and the rest of them over at The Pit, am I ready to give them up. I turned off my phone and sat in my apartment for 4 days trying to make my choice knowing Blaze needed my answer I just didn't know what one I was willing to tell him.

On the fourth night there was a knock at my door thinking it was Blaze or maybe Trix I opened the door without looking out the peep hole and what was on the other side scared me. There standing in front of me was an older verson of Blaze but instead of getting butterflies in my tummy the hairs on the back of my neck started to raise and I was afraid. He stood there and introduced himself as Alucard and he needed to speak to about Blaze if it was possible for him to come inside, I stepped to the side to let him in, I offered him a drink which he declined and he took a seat in the chair I perched on the edge of my sofa I reached for my phone and turned it on. While I waited, he just sat across from me in silence staring at me, I had my phone in hand and pressed and held down number 2 this was my speed dial for Blaze. He must have answered just when his father spoke "let me get to the point Ms. Morningstar you most defiantly will not be marrying my son, I know he is infatuated with you but it will pass. You will tell him no or I will make you disappear am I making it clear for you".

I felt the anger and hate in his tone of voice, my reply came has a surprise to him and myself.... "Sir with all due respect you cannot come to my house and give me orders, if I chose to marry Blaze that will be my choice. I love your son and up to now I was only 50% sure I wanted to leave my live for him but now with you sitting here being very rude and disrespectful in my home I'm now close to 100% accepting his proposal, I'm going to say this once sir and please listen get out of my home and don't come back". That's when it went all dark and there was a sharp shooting pain at the back of my head.

When I came too, I'm no longer in my apartment, not sure where I am it's cold and dark, not 100% sure I'm alone, I hear sound like running water, someone muttering but I'm unable to make it out clearly. I hear footsteps then someone yanking me up and the pain is instant I cry out and stumble to my feet, I'm being pushed in to a room where I see a bed a chair and what looks like a dirty sink/toilet.


I'm pretty sure this is the work of Blaze's father but I'm determined to get out of here and back to the man I love, I'm lying on the bed I close my eyes and think of him, in my mid I'm telling him I'm ok and I will be back to him. When all of a sudden, I hear him reply to me telling me he will find me, he asking for information who and where I might be. I give a run-down of the meeting with his father and then my surroundings. I knew we were connected in a way but mind to mind I didn't even think it was possible.

Feeling like I could do more I lay there for some time trying to reach out to anyone else but only

Blaze came through, he tells me to concentrate really hard on the door and to see if I could open it so I tried, I managed a weak rattle buts it. I told him I loved him and I have made my choice but he told me to tell him when he comes to get me. So, I lay there just talking to him in my mind when someone opens the door, and it's his father, I sit on the bed looking at him and I keep my mind open to Blaze has his father starts to talk Blaze tell me he can hear him, "Alucard what a pleasure you have grace me with your presence I was starting to wonder who took me" I say with a grin on my face. "I'm sure you are aware that Blaze knows you took me" Alucard replies "Blaze knows nothing, don't underestimate me human" I laugh and ask him "do human and Demons have the ability to mind link" When he stares at me not sure what is happening. "Blaze and I have a mind link he hears me and I hear him in fact he can hear you through my mind" Alucard it startled and tells me that it's impossible for this to happen only the children of the underworld can mind link, Well I'm no expert but has you keep saying I'm only human but here I am linked to Blaze. Within minutes there is a loud explosion and Blaze comes running through the door.

He comes running right to me wraps his arms around me gives his farther a death glare and carries me out He loads me in to his car and drives away, we head towards my apartment once we get there, he tells me to lock it up so I do so with both of us inside. I'm in his arms within seconds of the locks being engaged we are kissing and ripping each other's clothes off. We fall on to the bed and he is kissing and nipping at my skin setting me on fire, He makes me feel alive and I feel like there is something inside me trying to break free, has I'm lying on my back looking up in to his eyes seeing Ice White staring back at me, he settles himself between my legs and with one thrust of his hips he is inside me the pain I feel is amazing the heat and sting is a welcome pleasure taking my breath away, we worship each other's bodies I make him moan and lose control and he make me scream his name more than once. We both find our climax together at the same time laying in his arms trying to catch my breath I look up at him and he seems startled at first but then he smiles and tells me to go look in the mirror, I walk to the bathroom in all my naked glory and look at me reflection and what I see makes me scream.

Looking back at me is a pair of steel gray eyes, I turn to see Blaze leaning against the door frame smiling at me, he speaks "I knew you wasn't a child of the day you belong with us; you belong with me please Echo marry me spend a life time with me". I walk towards him and tell him I love him and head back to bed, Archie is looking at me wagging his tail I look at Blaze and say if I do marry you, I need to take Archie with me if I'm giving up my life, I need my dog. Blaze giggles and tells me he wouldn't have it any other way. We cuddle up to each other when something happens, I see the future his dad is dead and we are happy together and I'm pregnant.

With a smile and in the arms of the man I love I fall asleep; we both wake up as the sun is setting. We make some calls and within the hour my apartment is empty and I'm leaving it all behind..

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