part 2

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Sitting in my room was the sexiest man I have ever seen and he is smiling at me, I looked at him and ask one question, Who and What are you? ..... With a smirk he stands and walks towards me saying we are going to need coffee and walks away, I follow him in to my kitchen where he starts to make coffee knowing where everything is, taking my hot coffee I walk to the lounge and settle myself on the sofa and wait.

He sits next to me and starts at the being ....

My name is Blaze and I'm a demon, I live my live from sunset to sunrise.... with that one sentence I started to laugh, does he really think I believe him demons don't exists. I see him getting a little annoyed with me so I stop giggling and apologized, waiting for him to continue. He tells me about the curfew and The Pit! Which is a fighting ring for creatures of the night and he owns it. I have so many questions in my mind but I seem to be unable to voice any. Taking my time to process all the information I tell him I need answers.

I ask him all sorts of questions and he answers me open and honestly and I sit there taking it all in, so far I understand there are Demons that live among us and they live in the world from sunset to sunrise now the Curfew is making sense the police know about them so does the Mayor and local business including the hospitals, I ask him if he was the one outside my door and he tells me it was, I also asked him if it was him that slipped the envelope with the address to The Pit! Under my door and he was confused on what I was on about so explained what happed and it wasn't him but he has a clue who it could have been. I ask him if knew Paige Underwood and about her article in the paper The Nightcrawler and he said he did and he helped her with some of the information, He wants to unite the two worlds together. He wants to be able to live a life of freedom.

We sit drinking coffee talking and unaware of the time until my phone started to ring that I realize it's getting light out he stands and says he has to go I let him out and lock back up and I go to have a bath I'm not sure on how to act now I know I still don't believe it, it's like someone is going to jump out and shout you have been pranked.

Laying the bath with my music on and Archie watching me from the door way I relax and I let my mind wonder off to Blaze he doesn't look like a Demon; He looks like a human at least 6" tall lean and full of muscle with that image I lay there smirking.

I stumble around my apartment for the rest of the day have breakfast and fuss over Archie, watch a few movies on Netflix have some dinner, I'm about to load up the next movie when suddenly Archie stops and looks straight over at the front door like someone is there so I go to the monitor and I see someone standing on the other side of my door slowly making my war over I talk without open the door and they answer me saying Blaze sent them over to keep me safe, I open the door to be greeted by a two people 1 male and 1 female I invite them in and they accept, offering them tea or coffee they both opt for a beer and they take a seat at my kitchen table and introduce themselves has Umbra and his fiancé Dementrix, Trix for short we get talking and I like them they are so easy to get along with and very friendly, I'm not sure way Blaze sent them to protect me but I like the fact he did, we sit around talking drinking beer when someone knocks my door and before I even put my drink down Umbra is up and at the door and Trix is standing in front of me shielding me from who is there,

I know who it is before they walk in my heart is beating so fast and my palms are sweating, I stand behind Trix unable to see but I speak "Hello Blaze please do come in, would you like a drink?" all three of them stand there staring at me in shock, I look at them and say "what?" Blaze comes forward and asks me how did I know it was him, I couldn't tell him the truth so I said I heard his voice hoping he brought it.

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