part 3

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Banging started on the door Blaze got up to open it when he turned towards me and said for me to hide under the desk, I do as he asked and he open the door when a man spoke in a voice that scared me and I was glued to the spot, sitting under the desk trying to think on who this man was so many weird things were running in my mind that I don't hear the man leave, then Blaze appear In front of me smiling, reaching for my hand he helps me up from the floor, he tells me that was his father and he told him about me and his father made a demand but will find a way not to complete it,

I ask what this demand was and he said I didn't need to worry about it, when we leave the office its light out so I make my way home and leave Blaze at The Pit, I get home shower and slide in to bed I fall straight sleep...........


It's been 1 week since I watched Blaze fight and I haven't seen or heard from him or anyone all week until today when I got a call from Umbra saying Pagie will met me today at the Roasted Bean coffee house, I get ready and head out, looking forward to meeting the girl who has haunted me since I got the case. I order a large Vanilla latte and find a seat near the window and wait for Paige to show.

I have been sitting here almost 1 hour when a young girl walks in and straight up to me, she takes a sit across form me and says that I need to stop the investigation in to her disappearance, there were reasons she left the way she did and it wasn't safe for her to be seen so we went back to my place, I made us both a drink and she started her story.

"5 years ago, I was asked to look in to the curfew and has I was doing my research I stumbled on the "The Pit" well when I went there, I was shocked and scared and ran as fast I could it took me about a month before I tried again. The 2nd time I went I met Ex and something just kept me there well some others there didn't like it and I was put in danger" she took a sip of her drink and looked me in the eye and said the ones who didn't like her threatened to hurt her roommate and family so she disappeared to keep them safe, we made it look like I was kidnapped. But now it was safe enough to tell them she was ok but she wasn't giving up Ex. She loved him I'm sure of this so we came up with a plan.

1st I was to inform her family that I found her she is safe and well and she will be in touch soon and if they asked for proof, we took a picture together with that day's newspaper so they would know it wasn't fake 2nd was to tell her roommate but this she wanted to do herself that very day I invited Ruby over to my apartment, 30 minutes later I open my door to find ruby there red faced and struggling to breathe, "oh my god please don't tell me she's dead" is all she said when Pagie walks out my kitchen " hi Ruby" then a high pitch scream filled my sitting room, 10 minutes later I have two crying women sitting on my sofa. I threw a

text over to Blaze telling him what was happening in my apartment and that I missed him. It's been 2 weeks now and I haven't heard from him but I text him multiple times a day I must look like a stalker but I need to see him soon, Pagie and Ruby are catching up and I'm trying hard not to listen but I hear every word and Pagie hasn't mentioned The Pit at all she did mention Ex and how she met and fell in love with a man who ran around with some dangerous people which is why she left the way she did to keep Ruby safe well she tells Ruby the whole story but is missing the main parts out.

What seems like a life time later Ruby leaves and Pagie turns to me and thanks me for everything and I need to be quick to get ready the car will be there in 10 has I stare at her not sure what she is on about she tells me Ex sent her a message we were being picked up in 10 and I needed to be with her, excited a little I get ready and we are on our way

Within 15 minute's I'm sitting in a large black SUV with Pagie sitting next to me with a very big grin on her face, it's like she knows something well it's obvious she does and she isn't telling. We pull up to a hotel with the curfew I don't get to go to hotels but has I step out the car there he is standing there grinning at me I try and act like I'm not bothered but I'm just so excited to see him and the bad thing is he knows.

He walks up to me and grabs me in to a massive hug and I'm thrown in to oblivion his touch and smell send me to heaven then I hear him chuckling next to me ear, he whispers to me that he can hear my thoughts...

Blushing I look up to him and with a grin and a wink he guides me into the hotel and toward the elevator, we arrive at the room and I realized we are alone we walk inside and the room is beautiful and the night view is breath taking, I turn towards Blaze and ask why we are here and he tells me this is where he lives and we need to talk. He pours both of us a drink and comes to sit next to me, I notice he looks nervous and scared so I place my drink on the table in front of me turning to face him I say for him just to tell me what's going on. This is where my live changes and I need to make a very big decision.

He explained that his father wanted him to get married to a fellow demon's daughter all business but he wanted to be with me so the choice is we stop what we have before we even start or I marry him and start my life on the dark side with him, I know I love him but is it enough to give up my whole world.

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