last part

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It's been 3 weeks since the incident with Alucard and his men every day and night Blaze has me training the mind link, we thought it was just between us 2 but if I concentrate and 1 person it works at the moment, I'm able to link to 2 people together now he wants me to link to more. Between training and sleeping I haven't seen Blaze much at all. I take a bath and watch Archie asleep in the corner he has made himself at home. He has even left me and is now all over Blaze, I love seeing this I smile to myself and close my eyes. I think of Blaze while in laying in the bath and link with him.
I tell Blaze I'm lying in a hot bath naked thinking of his hands touching my red skin, I'm thinking of his hand going down my smooth tummy reaching for my aching pussy, I touch myself and moan then I cut the link and get out the bath. I laugh to myself because I know he is going crazy now. I get dried and slip in to a Cami vest and a pair of shorts. Make myself a hot chocolate and snuggle up on the sofa and flick on the tv. Not even 10 minutes later the front door slams open and blaze is rushing in the lounge sees me and grabs me and takes off to the bedroom well the vest and shorts don't survive. We stay tangled up with each other for the rest of the night and all day at sunset Blaze gets ready to leave and tells me to keep my mine open just in case I'm not to leave the penthouse or open the door to anyone, with that warning he leaves me alone.
Well, what can I say that was 2 weeks ago we communicate though the mind link and I now have Paige staying at the penthouse with me and we are going crazy something big is happening and we are in the dark? I'm counting down the days till I see him again so I start plaining our wedding I have my dress all sorted, where we are having the wedding and who will be there, I just need Blaze back.
3 days later and I'm starting to feel unwell working things out in my mind and I hear Blaze "Baby say that again" not sure what he means I ask him, he replies "what are you working out right now tell me". we have a conversation in my mind, I'm felling unwell and I'm working out the last time I had my period. It's impossible right you're a demon and I'm human. "Baby you are not a human, no human can mind link, so yes, it is possible" I stop speaking next thing I hear is a phone ringing and Paige answering it "yes sir I understand I'll go now, no sir I'm not sure she is just sitting there she hasn't moved, yes sir I'm on it." I hear the door open and close then sometime later I hear it again I haven't moved at all I hear Blaze in my mind but I done answer him.
Paige comes up to me and guides mw in to the bathroom hands me a bag and tells me to take as many as I can, well I pee on 5 sticks and go sit on the bed, Paige comes in to check on me and goes in to the bathroom comes out with all 5 sticks with a smile on her face. I just know what she will say so I open the link to blaze and ask him when will he be home, within the hour is all he said.
I must have fallen asleep because I don't hear Blaze coming home or Paige leaving all I know is Blaze is laying on the bed with me his large hot hand open over my tummy, I put my hand on to his hand I give him a squeeze he opens his eyes and stares at me I smile and say the words I know he want to hear, " I love you Blaze and you're going to be a father" he smile and tell me his father is dead and he will be a better dad than him.


One week after we found out I was with child we got married and began our life together I was accepted as Blaze's queen and was loved by everyone. We did find out that my Birth parents were indeed children of the night but Alaurd had them killed days after I was born, I was adopted by human people and raised the best they could, I have permanent steel gray eyes and I'm 8 months pregnant I can't wait to meet our baby. I hope it's a boy and takes after his father, where has Blaze wants a second me ha-ha, we will see.
We rule the night world and The Pit is our playground.

Wanna come and play............

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