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"I believe that love is meant to show up, so we can finally see ourselves for the first time."

Christine E. Szymanski

Diana stood on the back porch of the large farmhouse Bruce had purchased in Smallville watching as Kara went through her practice routine, spinning Tarie and Aotpo in elegant patterns, holding off unseen enemies and clearing her head. Diana sipped her coffee, turning her head slightly as Mera stepped out onto the porch.

"I'm sorry, your highness, I didn't..." Mera stopped talking as Diana held up her hand.

"Mera, please call me Diana. You are not interrupting anything. I was..." Diana looked back to Kara who continued to move through her paces.

Mera smiled brightly, "admiring your favorite person in the whole world?"

Diana lifted her cup to her lips, sighing as she leaned against the door frame, "yeah, something like that."

Both women continued to watch Kara, as a blush rose to the warrior woman's cheeks.


Several minutes later Kara finished up, both swords snapping to low guards in her hands. She turned, smiling as her eyes caught Diana's over the woman's cup of coffee. Her nose twitched, as the sharp scent of the drink rose to her nose. "What is that?" She asked as her face scrunched up.

"Coffee," Diana chuckled, forgetting how much of a man's world was completely unknown to Kara.

"A gift from the heaven's themselves," Bruce responded as he stepped out on the porch. He was wearing shorts and a t-shirt, stretched taut over his frame. "Think you would have enough time for a workout with an old man?"

Kara cocked her head to the side, "maybe not an old man, but for you, of course."

Bruce smiled and slid a small collapsible staff from his pocket and pressed the button on the side. With a hiss, the staff extended to roughly six feet, and Bruce rolled it around in his hands.

Kara's eyes widened, and she reached out gleefully, snatching the weapon out of Batman's grip, testing its weight and twirling it around in her hand, spinning it faster and faster, kicking up a cloud of dust that got trapped in the wind she was creating. Bruce watched the motion with a smile and he pulled out a second staff and extended it. Mera was watching as well, and her mind started to work over something Atlanna had mentioned about Arthur's fight.

Kara stopped spinning the staff, slowing it's motion and forcing herself to relax. Then she slid her eyes closed and said a silent prayer to Rao, "guide my hand..."

"Concentrate on my light, my Voice..." Kara heard the words, rumbling on the soft breeze.

Kara stepped back, entering a defensive stance and started to think of Krypton, summoning the red sun of her home world into the mark on her back. A soft smile found its way to her lips as the sunborn strength of Earth slowly evaporated. "I'm ready, Demon," she sighed.

Bruce grinned at the nickname, and brought his weapon up, then down in an overhand attack. Kara was quick, but not at superspeed, catching his staff with her own and forcing it away, while twisting it around for a low attack, going for Bruce's legs.

Bruce jumped into the air, dodging the attack, and brought his own staff around in a cross body attack, watching again as Kara easily blocked and countered again. Bruce blocked, and spun, putting his back to Kara for a split second, raising the stick for a high attack, which Kara was set to block. At the last moment, he swept low, bringing the low edge to the back of Kara's leg, lifting her and dropping her unceremoniously on her ass.

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