Leaving Home

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"Be the change that you wish to see in the world."

Mahatma Gandhi

Kara zipped over the island maintaining a height of about 80 meters, high enough to patrol the kingdom quickly, low enough to avoid the magic barrier, allowing her to cover every corner, looking for any hint of danger. On her second pass, she noticed a sound she hadn't heard the first time. 'That sounds like Para-Demons', the blonde thought to herself, as she came to a slow halt, hovering over the beach where she had saved Narcissa almost six years before.

Kara rose another 40 meters, scanning the island with all her senses. She spotted them as they approached the stone vault housing the Mother Box. In her head, she estimated their speed of approach and how long it would take her to warn Nubia and get to the enclosure before them. 'Too much wasted time,' the warrior thought, her hand falling to her right hip to check her sword.

"Athena, Goddess of Warfare and Wisdom, guide my hand as I defend my home," Kara whispered as she shot forward, her sonic boom causing the trees below to rattle and heads to turn.

"Trouble?" Cassandra said to her hunting party as they watched Kara's blurred form shoot over their heads.

"Kara never flies that fast over the island, there is something amiss, perhaps we should follow?" Persephone suggested.

"Ride back Persephone, tell Nubia something is happening towards the Vault!" Cassandra commanded, "the rest of you, let's hope Kara leaves something for us."

An Amazonian war cry went up among the ten riders, as Persephone steered her horse towards the city. The nine other women galloped the opposite way, following Kara's speeding form.

Mere seconds after passing over her sisters, Kara could see a horde of Para-Demons flying in formation in front of her, their wings buzzing in sync to hide their numbers. She wasn't the same girl she had been six years before when she had caused her first death, she was a trained warrior, a member of Hippolyta's royal guard and in less than two days would become a woman in the eyes of her sisters.

Kara stopped in midair, unsheathed her sword with her left hand and removed her shield from her back with her right, then she used her hearing and vision to check the area for any of her sisters before starting the fight from the air. She smiled as she heard Cassandra's hunting party approaching, she'd have to leave a few for them. Since her shield wasn't really a necessity for her in combat, Nubia had been teaching her to use it as a more offensive weapon. Judging distance and height, Kara climbed to the right of the horde and took her time preparing for the first part of her attack. She adjusted her height by 5 meters and threw her shield like a discus, watching as it sliced through the wings of five of the demons and the bodies of three more, then stuck into a rock below them. She landed before the first five of the creatures crashed to the island, and found herself immediately surrounded by the survivors.

Kara crouched into her battle stance, sword up and ready to attack, her bracers ready to block, as three of the demons raised their weapons up and fired. Their frenzied chatter got even louder as the energy beam struck the woman and dispersed immediately. Kara moved forward so quickly the creatures never had a chance to block her attack as she beheaded two of the shooters and ran through the chest of the third. Then she looked behind them and saw Cassandra and her party approaching at a fast gallop.

She moved back, drawing their attention to her, the creatures moved forward into a tight group, waiting for the moment she knew was coming. She heard Cassandra over the voices of the demons, "Well done, sister." She smiled as she slipped back three more steps.

"Fire now," Cassandra ordered, a smirk coming to her face as the enemy gathered into a tight group, preparing to assault Kara. 'Fools,' she thought as her first arrow was released into the air.

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