Hope Arrives

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"Hope can be a powerful force. Maybe there's no actual magic in it, but when you know what you hope for most and hold it like a light within you, you can make things happen, almost like magic." – Laini Taylor

Kara emerged from the shield surrounding her home and was instantly battered by a huge storm. She paused just for a moment, losing her bearings and started to feel the panic rise from her stomach.

"Kara, daughter of Krypton, Voice of Rao, listen to my song and fly my dear. Head towards the sun," Artemis whispered above the wind. "Fly!"

Following the voice, Kara rose higher and higher until she broke through the clouds and saw the most amazing view. The clouds stretched to the horizon in every direction and the sun was warm on her face as she gazed at the colors playing on the surface of the clouds.

"Thank you, Artemis," Kara whispered in the wind.

"Of course child, you draw life from the Sun, sweet Kara, but the moon will always be your friend as well," Artemis answered.

"How do I find her?" Kara asked as she looked out over the horizon.

"Follow your heart...," the voice answered as it faded away.

Kara smiled and rose even higher into the sky until she could see the stars above her head and the sun still reflecting off the clouds below. She closed her eyes and breathed in and out, searching for a presence. She felt a pull from the west and concentrated harder on that feeling. As she allowed the moment to envelop her, the Mark of Rao on her shoulder started to glow and throb. Then her smile brightened as she heard a distant voice...

"I'm here for him..."

Kara crossed into the United States and followed the mark as it led her towards Metropolis. She was delayed as she ran across a patrol of Para-Demons. She took them out as quickly as possible and heard the sounds of another fight happening towards the center of the city. She looked and saw a huge man floating in the sky, the bodies of others tossed about. The lightning of Hermes faded from one, a follower of Poseiden lay unmoving near a small creek, and a silver man, that reminded her of Hephaestus' Golems, tried to rise from his spot near a strange vehicle.

Then her blue eyes were drawn towards what could only be labeled as one of Hades' demons risen from the very pits of Tartarus...

"Clark!" the demon yelled out.

The flying man turned towards the voice, and in a low growl, spoke to the demon, "I know you."

Kara's eyes opened wide as the flying man landed and then it seemed as if Athena herself joined the battle. The brunette woman crashed into the earth, rising, and speaking softly, "don't make me do this." Then she raised her bracers and was about to bring them together when the dark-haired man shot forward at superhuman speed and put his hands on her wrist, stopping her movement.

Kara screamed silently as she shot towards the Earth, watching in fear as the man drove his head into Athena's face. She pulled up short as the goddess flinched and grunted but didn't fall, then drove her own head into the stranger's face. Kara grinned maniacally as the man staggered, but frowned when she saw him rise into the air still holding onto the woman's arms. She knew what was about to happen and at that moment, she shot forward faster than ever before and jumped between the two warriors before his head could connect with Athena's face a second time.

Superman's eyes popped open as he felt his head held back by the hand of this, 'this child?' his addled mind questioned.

Diana was equally surprised, as the young woman glanced back, "Athena?" Kara's voice stopped as she looked into the brown eyes of the woman before her. Her eyes roved up and down the woman's muscular frame, and Kara sputtered, "your highness?"

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