To Themyscira

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"Behind all your stories is always your mother's story. Because hers is where yours begin."

Mitch Albom,

"Master Bruce, the Russian Military is approaching, you and the rest of the team may want to leave the area quickly." Alfred's calm voice sounded over everyone's earpieces.

Bruce looked at the team, "I think that is our cue to leave, Diana?"

Diana looked at her team, smiling, "Everyone, on board. We need to go, now."

The team entered the transport and settled in for the flight back to Gotham. They sat together in a group, except for Clark who moved towards the back of the transport to sit by himself.

The plane launched slowly into the sky and turned towards Gotham as the group recounted the battle they had won.

An hour into the flight, Arthur and Barry were asleep in their seats and Victor was talking to his father, Kara was sitting discussing things with Bruce and Diana, when the dark-haired princess looked towards her cousin, then back at her.

Kara sighed dramatically and stood up, walking towards her fellow Kryptonian. "Clark, can--can we talk?"

Clark jumped. He had been so focused on the world outside the window of the plane, he failed to notice his blonde cousin's approach. Looking up, with tired eyes, he nodded and pointed at the seat across from him.

Kara sat down across from her cousin, "Clark, I-I wanted to apologize."

Clark looked at Kara, a confused reaction plastered to his face, "I don't understand."

"I," Kara paused, biting her lip and playing with the edge of her cape, "I have never considered what you might have gone through, how you adjusted as you got older. It's why your parents and mine decided I should be here with you."

"Ma and Pa were so scared when my powers started to manifest. I was around seven years old, and suddenly I could see through walls and people, and my hearing. The noises were terrifying," Clark turned and stared out the window, "they didn't understand what I was going through or how to help me adjust."

"That's why I was supposed to be here," Kara whispered. "They, my parents and yours, they told me, we would be different, that we would have powers. My mother, Alura, said they would be gifts. Without me there to teach you, to help you, you had to learn on your own, suffering all by yourself without anyone who could understand."

"How did you adjust?" Clark asked, "Was it just easier for you?"

"You could say that; Myri, my adopted mother, and all my sisters, they accepted my gifts, and they insisted that I never hide them," Kara smiled at the memory, "they wanted me to live up to my full potential."

"So you grew up using your powers?" Clark asked, shocked by Kara's admission.

The blonde smiled brighter, "I was flying within the first week that I was on Themyscira, my other powers developed quickly, and with each one, my sisters helped me practice how to use it. By my arrival day, all my powers were fully developed and Rao granted me my mark."

"Rao is the Kryptonian sun god?" Clark clarified.

"You really don't know anything about your heritage?" Kara asked, surprised.

"When I visited the Kryptonian ship, it tried to teach me. But honestly, I just wanted to learn to control and harness my powers," Clark admitted. "I just wanted to make the world a better place."

"Do you want to learn about Krypton?" Kara asked, holding her breath.

"Kara," Clark smiled, "I was raised Protestant. My fiance is an Earthling. I never knew my parents or the world I come from. I'm sorry, but I am happy not knowing about Krypton."

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