1 ( tw// abuse, alcoholism, blood )

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He hadn't even had time to look up, it was happening again. Hyunjin had walked in the door of his home, only to be greeted with a cold slap, knocking him straight to the ground. He put a hand on his cheek, feeling the painful sting that his father had just inflicted upon him. "You worthless piece of shit, you can't do anything right." His father yelled at him from above. He was drunk, Hyunjin could smell the terrible scent of liquor from the floor, it was enough to make one want to vomit.

"I just.." Hyunjin paused for a moment, feeling fear wash over him when he saw his father walk over to grab a bottle. "I just came to grab some belongings... I'm staying with Jeongin this week." His father whipped around to look at him. Hyunjin didn't even have time to blink before he saw the bottle being thrown at him. The bottle scraped his arm, leaving a few cuts across it. "It's always Jeongin this, Jeongin that. Just get the fuck out already." His father screamed. And with that, Hyunjin didn't even grab his clothes before he ran out the door and toward Jeongin's neighborhood.

He ran as quick as his legs could take him. He didn't wanna look back, he couldn't look back. Hyunjin was in fear, in anger. He was feeling so many emotions at once that he couldn't give it a word if he wanted to. Hyunjin felt something trickle down his face. He placed his hand on his cheek, he was crying. Hyunjin slowed down as he began to cry harder and harder, his face becoming stained with tears. 

 Hyunjin arrived to Jeongin's house and lightly knocked on the door. Jeongin opened the door and his heart sunk. He saw his best friend standing there, blood dripping from his arm, a tear stained face, messy hair, ripped clothing. He knew things weren't well at all. "Jinnie..." Jeongin said calmly as he stepped forward to gently embrace the elder. Hyunjin let all his tears fall as his best friend held him. They stood like this for a while. Nothing else mattered in this moment, they were safe in each other's arms.

After what felt like hours, Jeongin took Hyunjin in and got him calmed down. He cleaned and bandaged all of Hyunjin's cuts, making sure to be as careful as possible. Hyunjin finished changing into some of Jeongin's clothes before flopping into bed next to him. The younger wanted to ask what happened, but he knew it was too soon, the scars were still fresh. Instead, they snuggled up together, falling asleep to Hyunjin's favorite movie.

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