3 (tw// bullying, blood)

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Hyunjin hadn't had time to look up before the male grabbed him by the throat and lifted him off the ground. "Woo-Je.." Hyunjin choked out weakly, his airway getting tight. "Shut the fuck up nerd." Woo-Je threw him onto the ground and his group of friends laughed. A tear streamed down Hyunjin's face as he felt Woo-Je's foot meet his stomach. He curled up on the ground, feeling weak. "Awwww, baby Hwang gonna cry??" Woo-je mocked as he and his friends started beating Hyunjin relentlessly.

"Back away from him!" A voice yelled and Woo-Je turned to look. It was Jeongin. "And what are you gonna do about it??" The senior said as he grabbed Hyunjin by the collar of his shirt, which was now torn and blood-stained. "This." The smaller male replied and kicked Woo-Je right in the balls and punched him in the face, making him fall to the ground and drop Hyunjin. "So I suggest you scram." And with that, Woo-Je, along with his friends, got away as quick as they could.

Jeongin ran to Hyunjin and helped him sit up. "Hyun.." He said with tears in his eyes. It killed him to see his best friend looking like this. The younger pulled him into a hug. "Jeongin, I'm weak, I'm so sorry, I'm such a burden, I-" Jeongin interrupted him. "Hyunjin stop." The elder looked at him with a bit of fear, never hearing the younger this serious before. "I can't stand to hear you talk about yourself like this, you understand?" Hyunjin nodded and looked down. "I love you Hyunie. You're my best friend. Now come on, let's go home, I'll do our makeup work online tonight."

Hyunjin and Jeongin made their way home together. Jeongin's parents had woken up and were getting ready for work by the time they arrived. As soon as they walked in, the younger's mother ran toward Hyunjin. "Oh my gosh, sweetie!! What happened??" She examined him in panic as Mr.Yang walked over as well. "Woo-Je.." Hyunjin said weakly. Mrs.Yang frowned and took Hyunjin to the bathroom to get him cleaned up while Mr.Yang made hot tea for the boys.

Hyunjin and Mrs.Yang came into the kitchen after she helped him clean and bandage his wounds. He sat down next to Jeongin and cuddled up to him, drinking the tea Mr.Yang made. Jeongin's parents said their farewells and left to work, leaving the two boys home alone. After a few minutes, Hyunjin broke the silence. "Thank you, Jeongin." The younger looked down and smiled at the boy who was clinging on to him. "Don't mention it, Hyun. I'm never gonna leave you."

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