4 (warnings: alcoholism, knife, choking, suicidal thoughts)

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Jeongin and Hyunjin had spent the rest of the day together. The two cuddled, played video games, watched movies, everything they could to keep Hyunjin in a good mood. Jeongin decided for the both of them that they could clean up the next morning, due to the fact his parents wouldn't be home for another few days. It was starting to get late and they were both getting ready to go to bed, so there was no time to pick up.

Hyunjin was about to crawl into bed with Jeongin when they heard a banging on the door. "Who could be here this late??" Jeongin groaned as he got up to go investigate, Hyunjin following not far behind. The younger peeped out the window, his eyes widening when he saw who was standing there. "Hyun.." Jeongin started, recieving a hum from the other. "Go hide in the pantry, don't come out until i say-" Jeongin was cut off by the continuous banging. Hyunjin walked up to where Jeongin was standing completely ignoring his words. His mouth dropped.

"I know you're in there!! Hyunjin come out!!" Hyunjin stood at the window watching as his father started trying to break the door down. He was frozen, he couldn't move if he wanted to. Jeongin ran to dial for the police, managing to get a few to come. By the time Jeongin could get back over, it was too late. The door had been kicked in, and Hyunjin's father was gripping his son by the neck, a knife in his other hand.

Hyunjin was wincing from the pain he was feeling, it was becoming hard to breathe. Between the terrible scent of alcohol and the tight grip his father had on him, he was suffocating. 'Is this the end?' Hyunjin thought to himself as a tear tolled down his cheek, he always thought he would be taking his own life, not someone else. He saw the knife being risen to take his life, this was it.

Jeongin stood in fear, not entirely sure what he should do. All he knew was, his best friend wasn't gonna die, even if it costed his own life. And with that, Jeongin charged at the man threatening to take his best friend's life.


cliff hanger oops, sorry for late update

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