Edf but it works

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I'm seriously contemplating whether or not I should take a crack at EDF since I have the games but here's my idea..

An edf fanfic that follows a mix of iron rain mechanics and 4.1 stuff.  The ravagers after being defeated and the brain is 'smashed' all robots begin to either deactivate or go into a power saving mode essentially a dolphin sleeping.  The giant insects however begin to actually become influenced by edf controller technology, thus being able to capture, breed, and mutate their own giant insects to control. They steal the tech from the deactivated hectors and derroys. This can explain booms in military arms production and efficiency. Now imagine all that in really any expansion space story, except Star Wars I see no way it can work with the hole 'good vs evil' meta they got going.

If going with mass effect, in my opinion the best choice, then you 100% need to not join the citadel races and instead be more of the active xenophobic/militaristic organization the edf is. This works together really well either cutting out the alliance entirely and replacing it with the edf, or having it be 2 separate systems, actually I thought of a ok intro........ I'm literally explaining how I want this to go yet I'm unable to actually write it because I won't be able to make it good or I over think it :(. Anyway experimental teleportation stolen from the wreckage of really any space faring craft.

Warhammer 40k would be a really interesting one to take a crack at but let's be honest, the edf if found by the imperium would most likely be branded as techno heretics. Or they would be completely outclassed and be overshadowed by the greater imperium

So Starcraft idk enough about but I do know that extra party's creates chaos that's nice to read about...........

Comment anything you think of

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