Chapter 2

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I sit on my bed and stare at the homework. I dont know what the fuck it is or when i will need it in life. Theres a knock on my door.

"Come in!" I say.

"Hey." Stiles walks in.

"Hi!" I smile.

"What are you doing?" He says looking at the books infront of me.

"I think math?" I say and rub the back of my neck.

"Want help?" He asks.

"Nah ill just hand in a black page again." I sigh and put it away. He comes closer cautiously.

"If you want to sit down beside me just do it. I dont bite!" I laugh.

"Sorry!" Stiles laughs and sits down beside me. I lean my head on his shoulder. He smiles and raps his arm around me. I shut my eyes and focus on the sound of his heart beating. Im not to good at it yet but i manage to do it.

"Hey Stiles uh-" scott walks in.

"Hi." Stiles says and takes his arm from around me.

"Want to do that thing now?" Scott asks. Stiles looks at me. I nod my head and open another book. They walk out and i sit there reading the same line over and over.

Beth just dont cath feelings!

Beth you need to do this for your pack!

Erica cant do it because she already hit him over the head with a car battery!

Fuck sake. I am unable to concentrate on anything at the moment. I slam my book and throw it at my wall. Then my window opens. I turn around.

"You need to calm down!" Erica says.

"Dont patronize me Erica! Im doing the best i can!" I say. My breathing is getting heavier. "And what? Are all you following me now?"

"Only sometimes!" Erica shrugs.

"Well stop!" I growl. I tug at my hair and pace back and forth.

"Dereks orders!" She sighs.

"Well tell him he doesn't need people watching me all the time!" I roar. Fuck.

"Beth! Calm down!" She shouts.

"I cant!" I shriek. Scott and Stiles come running in.

"Go away!" I roar at them. Stiles walks over to me.

"Get back!" I say to him. I am fighting ever urge in my body to lunge at him. He grabs my hands and kisses me on the forehead. I look up at him in confusion.

"Derek still has to chain her up during full moons?" Stiles asks.

"All of us expect Issac." Erica says.

"Beth what got you so worked up anyways?" Scott asks. I look at my hands and my claws arent there.

"Homework." I sigh.

"Just dont do it!" Erica shrugs.

"Okay!" I agree. I look over at Scott and he looks off...

"You see thats why i need to go to Dereks!" I growl at him.

"He knows we still have to go to Dereks?" Erica asks.

"Yeah he was listening to mine and Issacs conversation in class!" I tell her. He takes a step back from Erica. Stiles hugs me tighter. I smile and i catch Erica staring. I flip her off and she shrugs. I go over and pick up my book.

"English homework? All we had to do was read!" Scott says. I shoot a look at him and he stops.

"Just because you got the brains, the looks, and every other good gene does not mean you have to rub it in my face!" I growl at him.

"Not my fault your dyslexic!" He grins. I lunge at my brother and we start fighting.

"You two super natural teenagers better not break anything!" She shouts.

"Fuck you Scott!" I scream and punch him repeatedly in the face. I cant help it. Im just so pissed of. I know ive shifted but i dont know if i can stop. I am scared by the fact and i think Scott and Erica smell the fear off of me. Erica grabs me and pulls me off of my brother and im trembling with anger and fear. Stiles helps bloodied up Scott to his feet.

"Your afraid of your self!" Scott says. I punch my door and my fist goes straight through it.

"Im not afraid of anything!" I shout.

"Bethany McCall! That better not be a broken door!" My mother shouts.

"Except that!" I say. I rush into my room grab my wallet and jump out my window. I am followed by Erica and i can hear my mother shouting. I laugh and so does Erica.

"I saw that!" Someone says. I jump backwards and Erica freezes.

"Shit do you think i still have time to run?" I whisper to Erica.

"Nope. You're screwed!" She answers. I am grabed by the throat and thrown into a tree.

"Fuck!" I shout in pain. I am grabbed by the back of the neck and walked up to his car.

"Erica! In! Now!" He shouts. Erica nods and hops into the front seat.

"You know Derek. I dont want to come with you so i can easily get you arrested for kidnapping! And also you just threw me at a tree and i am still a minor so thats child abuse!" I laugh in the back seat.

"Shut up!" He growls.

"What are you so mad about?" I groan.

"Shut up!" He says again.

"Well i thought it was a great fight!" Erica whispers.

"Erica shut up or you will be in trouble to!" Derek says.

"Dont you dare lay a hand on her!" I shout at him.

"You just beat the shit out of your brother in full shift!" He says.

"Derek you werent there. If i were you id let her off the hook!" Erica tries to persuade our alpha.

"Not happening!" Derek says.

"Even ask Scott! The smell of fear off of her was so strong!" Erica says. Derek stops the car and turns to look at me. I am lying down across the seats in the back looking at the roof.

"What?" I say without making eye contact. He sighs and druves on.

"She is still in trouble!" He says.

When we get to Dereks i am dragged from the car and he drags me inside. Erica silently follows us. He pushes me down the stairs and i laugh.

"You know, if you were drunk you would be exactly like my father!" I say and i stumble to my feet. He jumps down stairs and punches me in the jaw. I roar at him and he does it again. Before i know it im fighting back. Losing. But still fighting. Boyd walks in.

"Whats going on?" He asks Erica.

"She beat up Scott!" Erica replies and Boyd sighs. He gets behind me and grabs on to my arms. I kick his legs repeatedly and he lets me go.

I hear Erica say something to Derek but i dont hear what she says. I lunge at Derek and he shifts back to a human. What is he doing? I punch and i punch but he isnt fighting back. I am over come with the similar fear from earlier. I punch and punch and punch. Why isnt he doing anything? Why cant i stop hitting him?

"Fight back!" I shriek. I see his bloody face and i start to tear up. I cant stop though. Whats wrong with me?

"Fight back!" I whisper. Boyd comes up behind me and lifts me to my feet. I look down at my bloody knuckles and i start shaking.

"Your right Erica. She is afraid." Derek says. I stand there shaking. Derek steps closer and closer to me he raises his hand slightly and i flinch. He doesnt hit me. He places his hand on my shoulder and sighs.

"Why didnt you fight back?" I say looking down at my knuckles.

"Look at my face!" He says. I shake my head. He puts a finger under my chin and lifts my face to look at his. There isnt a mark left on him.

"I always heal!" He says and I nod.

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