Chapter 4

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"Stiles whats wrong?" I say through the phone. Scott runs in.

"It smells bad and my eyes are watering!" He cries into the phone.

"Babe calm down! Please! Where are you?" I ask. Im beginning to panic.

"In some sort of basement. My leg is caught on something!" He cries.

"Stiles? Stiles!" Scott takes my phone.

"Scott i have to go my phones dead! Ill call you back!" He says.

"Scott! We have to tell dad!" I yell.

"Tell dad what?" My dad walks into my room. He came back afew weeks ago.

"Dad Stiles needs help!" I tell him.

"Station now!" He says. He grabs me and Scott by the arm. Scott pulls back and i jump behind him. My dad stares at me and i step back.

"You remember..." he says.

"You broke your promise!" I spit.

"Beth-" he says.

"Not now!" I say.

"What do you remember?" Scott asks.

"The fact he was an alcoholic! You remember too right?" I say and glare at my dad.

"Yeah." He says. I walk out and i hop into the car. Dad drives us down to the station.

"Phone!" He holds out his hand. I hand out my phone and he prints out the phone call. Scott gets a call from Lydia and he rushes away.

"Basment?" My dad looks at me.

"He doesnt have a basment." I grunt.

"Beth thanks for not telling Scott." he says.

"I shouldnt have to lie for you!" I shout. I can feel myself getting angry. I clench my fists and my mom runs in.

"Beth?" She looks at me. She stares down at my hands and her eyes go wide.

"Rafe give her a minute!" She runs over and drags me into a small room.

"Mom i cant!" I say. It hurts. I am trying to control my shift but i cant.

"What do i do? Beth? What do i do?" Sha asks.

"Call Derek!" I growl. I grab handcuffs off the desk and i cuff myself to a bar on the cell. She calls Derek and puts it on speaker.

"What do i do?" She asks.

"Anchor! Tell her to find an anchor!" He explains through the phone and i hear a door slamming.

"Melissa?" Dad shouts.

"Not yet!" She yells. "Beth whats your anchor?" She asks me.

"I dont have one yet!" I growl. I band my head off one of the bars but nothing happens.

"Derek!" She says into the phone.

"Im on my way! Tell her to find an emotion or something!" He says.

"Im going to let you talk to her!" She says to him.

"Beth! Find an emotion and grab hold of it." He explains.

"Whats your anchor?" I growl.

"Anger. Try to be angry! Think of something that made you angry and grab hold of that emotion!" He says. I hear the door open and close. I scan my mind for any and everything that made me angry. Derek runs into the room and i break the handcuffs.

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