Chapter 11: Garland

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                    Lien Meilu Windsor

        My parents sacrificed everything to come to this country. It started when my father lost his job at his law firm. I don't know why; he never talked about it, and it's unbecoming of any wife to speak of such things, so my mother didn't know either. Through his loss, having a second child would put a very heavy fine on my family, one we would no longer be able to afford. My mother was already five months along in her pregnancy. Father did what he had to, and he sent me to live with his sister in the states. 

        I was seven years old in a strange country, my English was better than my family's but still needed improvement. The kids at school certainly thought so as they laughed at me. They didn't understand responsibility, honor or maturity. They worried about friends, toys and sports while I tried to bring my family here. I was twenty-two years old when I finally succeeded.

        It wasn't long before my father took control of his family, that included marrying off his daughter. I didn't date anyone; I didn't have the time, so I was shocked to see that there was someone who proposed marriage to my father. "Ba ba--"

        "You have made me proud, daughter. You have been strong in bringing us here, and you have kept yourself pure." He touched my chin gingerly. "A very respectable man has asked me for your hand in marriage, and I agreed. We will have dinner tomorrow; you will prepare it." 

        And so I married Secil Windsor, a young, attractive judge with no sympathy. 

        Our wedding made headlines, and my father got his honor back through my marriage. Secil treated me well, and I, by some stroke of luck, began to actually fall in love with my husband. We were the envy of the Atlanta elite, and then I got pregnant. 

        He refused to hold her when she was born, and he got very quiet. The only thing I remember him doing was naming her. "Alice, Her name's Alice." He quickly smiled at me, as I agreed with him. "I uh--had a sister with that name." 

        "Had? I've never heard anything about you having siblings." 

        His eyes were hard, though he was trying to smile. "She died." Before I could even question it, his eyes turned a weird shade of green, and I was scared. Secil was smiling again, but I couldn't help but think I really knew nothing about the man I slept with at night. I clutched my sleeping baby close to me and vowed to keep her safe, but something about him, arm now wrapped possessively around my shoulder, looking down at her, he was terrifying. 

        "What a beautiful family!" The nurse exclaimed walking in on this, supposed to be, loving scene, and all the while I was screaming. I realized I had always been screaming. This baby is my shackle, my husband is the guard, and I will never be free.

        I mustered up the smile I always used to fool everyone. "I'm so happy, I could die." Post partum depression they called it, but it never went away. 

        He slowly began to turn into a monster, and I gave him anything he wanted. As long as I was his perfect woman, he would have no reason to lay a hand on that little girl of ours. And untouched she grew up. Her father ignored her, except for public appearances, where he was a doting father, and I, I secretly hated her from the second I realized what she was to me, that she was part of that monster. I knew she could tell, and I was selfish enough to think it didn't matter, that she couldn't understand. We started off as decorated strangers, and maybe I only started to love her out of guilt.

        There are two things I regret in life, and that's what I didn't do with Alice when I was there, and what I did to her when I left.

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