Chapter 5: Meal of his heart

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Just an FYI, I am taking into account the deleted scene from the first episode of the second season where they go to the Vatos before getting stuck on the road. As well, I am using the story from Survival Instinct (the game) as to what happened to the Dixon brothers after the outbreak and before they meet up with the group.

        The blood loss Alice was suffering wasn't significant, but the longer they were in the car, the more the color drained from her face. She didn't even get to see how much he had to dig in her skin to get out the fragment, but the way his eyes flickered between the road and her, she knew it was enough to concern him. Daryl didn't get concerned often. It had to have been at least half an hour since the CDC; were they not far enough to stop and recalculate there next course of action? His blue eyes fell on her again, and she sighed. "I'm fine; would you stop  looking at me like I'm about to die."

        He grunted. "I ain't. I just don't want ya to get blood on my seats." He was lying.

        "Whatever." His trademark, careless, response rolled sharply off her tongue. It was wearing on her, the back and forth nature of his attitude, maybe even her own feelings. For a man that once told her he wasn't a savior, he has filled the role. Even now he is preparing to stop the group to stitch her up, but just then, Shane's car stopped behind them. Alice was the first to notice. "Daryl we have to stop." Her voice was urgent.

        His foot slammed on the breaks, and he was facing her in seconds, worried that she stopped him for her. "What's wrong?" Her hand shot against the window to point out Shane's car had stopped a little ways down the road, but the line in front of them was still moving. He thought quickly and started honking the horn, screaming out the window. Eventually they stopped, but it might have been too late. Walkers were quickly coming after him; he had taken too much time gathering his things. The R.V., that held most of the group, was still far in the distance. 

        "He's not going to make it. We have to do something!" His face turned hard; he already had one person to look out for and wasn't prepared to be saving anyone else's ass. And, when that one person saw he wasn't fast enough in response, was opening the door to get out. Roughly he grabbed her wrist, yanking her back in the truck. He started the vehicle as Shane passed them; he was trying to distract the oncoming walkers, and it seemed to work. They were on all sides of his truck, and Alice's eyes watched the horrifying faces look at her through the window, wondering if they could smell her bloody shoulder. Even with her blood and the truck's engine, there were still a few walkers after Shane, and after fighting them off, or rather being very lucky, he made it in the R.V. She breathed a sigh of relief. He may be a suspicious character to her, but no one deserved to die like that. The line moved again, but this time they seemed to have a destination.

        "Hmph, guess they ain't gonna let us know where we're goin'" He was irritated; he had been waiting to stop and patch her up since they left the CDC. The gash he made was very deep, and she was still bleeding. Daryl's concerns were kept to himself, as she tried to remain focused on something, anything, to keep her from closing her eyes, just in case. He wasn't very good at making conversation, but he had to keep her talking. "Ya left Atlanta when it fell? They had the military there, right?"

        That day seemed so far away. "Yeah, I guess it held out a long time, but, eventually, even the military fell to the sheer numbers of those things." Alice tried shielding her eyes against the sun as it was now high in the sky, "I just strolled into Dr. Lux's office like there wasn't a problem. I sheltered myself from the truth. Anyway, it all became real in an instant. The doctor attacked me, the rest of the military was gunning people down in the streets, and the dead were coming out of everywhere, like ants and I was something sweet." He handed her a pair of sunglasses which she took thankfully. "I hid underneath a car for what was probably hours, and then, directionless, I ran out of the city."

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