Part 1

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One word, math! Its so stupid, and you don't understand it anyways. "Y/n? Are you listening?" Your teacher Mr. Evans asked you. "um.... yes" you lied, makeing the class laugh. "Alright class calm down" Mr. Evans said taking the focus off you, "as for you miss y/l/n ill see you after class". Oh great what'd i do now, you wondered. The class went on with the same boring lesson. After the bell rang everyone left, while you walked slowly up to Mr. Evans desk. "You wanted to see me?" You asked as sweetly as possible. "Ah yes... i wanted to talk to you about your grades, they seem to be droping...and i couldnt figure out why, with your lack of listening and all" he said trying to sound stupidifyed. You try to find an explaination " im not good with math". Mr. Evans looks at you concerned "I have a tutor set up for you, if you want the help?". You smile "thanks, who is going to be tutoring me?", you ask. "He'll be in the office after school you can meet him there" Mr. Evans said with a smile, pleased that he got you some help in his class. As you walk to your next class you cant help but think about who your tutor is.

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