Chapter 1 - Cherryton

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Louis and Forté stood in their father's study, Forté partially hiding behind Louis' larger stature. They both gazed upon the imposing figure of their father, Oguma. Forté was also a red deer, though noticeably shorter than his older brother, Louis, only reaching his shoulder if you exclude his antlers.

Forté had always been nervous when with his father, but he knew that nothing bad would happen, despite his father's intimidating presence.

"There was an incident at Cherryton last night. A student was devoured," their father had stated as though it was not of great importance. Forté's eyes widened as he gasped while Louis visibly stiffened.

"Despite of this, I have to continue the arrangement of transferring Forté into Cherryton," upon hearing this, Louis immediately began to protest. "You can't actually be serious!? If there's a carnivore going around devouring herbivores then Forté shouldn't-"

"Enough Louis. Forté will be going to Cherryton and that's final. I'm tasking you with keeping an eye on him. He's weak and feeble, so he needs someone to keep him safe," Oguma interrupted. At this subtle jab Forté shrank back.

Louis continued his protest, "Father please-" "Louis it's okay. I'm sure I'll be fine," Forté cut him off with a reassuring smile that didn't quite reach his ears.

"Excellent. You'll be joining Louis at the school tomorrow morning," Oguma informed Forté, "For now, Louis, Yuta will drive you back to the campus. Be prepared for your brother's arrival tomorrow, and be sure to keep an eye on him. You're dismissed."

"Of course Father," Louis responded and with one more worried glance at Forté, he left the room.

Forté watched his brother leave then returned his gaze to his father, "Is there anything else Father?"

Oguma had a strange look on his face, one with an emotion that Forté couldn't quite place, "Forté, I hope you know that I do care for your safety, it's just that the arrangements have already been made and if you miss anymore of the school year, you'll be forced to repeat, and Louis won't be there to help you."

Throughout the conversation, the thought of his safety had crossed Forté's mind a number of times, but he is sure that his older brother would be able to keep him safe.

"I understand father, I hope that you know that I never doubt the fact that you care for me," that was only partially a lie.

Forté was born as a particularly small faun, with fairly short antlers. Due to this he often wondered if he was simply a charity case for Oguma and Louis, but those feelings were usually quelled after a few hours of speaking with Louis on the phone.

"Good, you start at Cherryton tomorrow morning, pack your bags and get a good night's rest. You're dismissed," Oguma finished, looking at his youngest son.

Forté turned and left the room with one final nod to his father. As Forté sat on his bed he looked at his ceiling.

Cherryton huh? I hope I'll just be able to keep my head down and not draw too much attention...


Yuta pulled the sleek black car to the curb outside Cherryton. Forté nervously looked outside the window to see Louis waiting for him by the front gate, with a number of people watching the car curiously from farther behind his brother.

Forté set his nerves aside and stepped out of the car while thanking Yuta. Louis stepped forward, "About time you got here, at this rate we'll be late for drama club." This confused Forté, "W-we?" he asked.

"Father told me to keep an eye on you, and there's no way I'm letting you wander around like a headless chicken while there's a feral carnivore on the loose," Louis said as though it were obvious. "But I'm not an actor!" Forté could understand where Louis was coming from, but he was sure that he would just weigh the drama club down.

"I'm aware, that's why you'll be helping out with the art department," Louis reassured. "Oh, well okay," it was only after saying this that Forté noticed the surprised stares he was getting from the other animals on the campus. Both herbivores and carnivores whispered and pointed at the pair.

"Since when did Louis have a brother?"
"Look at the size of him, there's no way he's old enough to be here!"
"A new student the morning after a murder? What kind of parent does that?"
"There's no way that guy is related to Louis! He looks so shy!"

Forté shrunk back at the ridicule from the other students, while Louis paid them absolutely no mind. Forté stuck close to Louis' side as they made their way towards the auditorium, Forté barely being able to keep up.

"So where are we going?" Forté asked. "I want to make a quick stop at the memorial for Tem, the student who died," Louis responded, a sullen look on his face.

"Oh alright," it was only now that Forté noticed the bouquet of flowers that his older brother was holding, a gathering of pinks and yellows wrapped neatly in the plastic.

They soon arrived at the hallway leading to the auditorium. It was only now that Forté got to see just how popular his brother truly was, with choruses of "It's Louis!" "He's handsome both on and off stage!" being said between all of the swooning girls in the hallway as they parted ways for Louis to get through. Forté took notice of the fact that the hall's occupants were also giving him questioning glances and confused stares. He simply ducked his head and continued walking behind Louis.

Again, Louis paid them no mind and maintained his stoic face as he approached the memorial. As they approached they noticed a gray wolf already kneeling before the pile of flowers and candles. Forté gazed upon the memorial, admiring the many bouquets, cards, candles and the sole picture of the alpaca in the center of it all. It was clear that many people in the school had cared for the boy. Forté thought that it was quite beautiful that the boy he had never met had touched the hearts of so many.

Louis, now kneeling to the side, waved for Forté to kneel between himself and the wolf. Forté did so with no more than a glance at the wolf, and as Louis placed the flowers on the floor, they both closed their eyes. Despite never having known the boy, Forté felt as though he must've been a good person to have caused this many people - especially Louis - to mourn.

While Forté was getting lost in his thoughts, he was startled by Louis suddenly saying, "Why are you staring at my brother? Is being rude a wolf's habit?" Upon hearing this, Forté opened his eyes to look at Louis. Following Louis' eye line, he sees the wolf looking towards Forté with a rather shocked expression, before quickly glancing towards Louis, then averting his gaze.

"S-sorry," the wolf replied meekly, seemingly embarrassed that he was caught. Forté was about to respond, but was interrupted by his brother, "You're that pup from the art department. Perfect timing, I have a favor to ask. Follow me," and with that, Louis got up and started walking back in the direction we came.

Both Forté and the wolf scrambled to their feet to follow Louis. "Uh, Louis? I need to go find my dorm before it gets late," Forté stated. "Alright, you can go but don't go wandering where you can't be seen, and be sure to be at the drama club meeting tomorrow."

At Louis' seal of approval Forté meekly waved goodbye to the wolf and started making his way to the dormitories.

Forté had no idea how disappointed the wolf was to see him walk away... especially without even getting his name...

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