Chapter 6 - Smile

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"Stop it!"

Forté flinched back, sinking further into his chair. The deer gazed fearfully towards the wolf, now standing, towering over everyone at the table. Forté was frightened by Legoshi's outburst, but one glance at the normally timid wolf's face, told the deer that the taller boy hadn't meant to get that angry.

Forté's frightened face quickly turned to one of confusion and concern for the typically shy wolf. 

The woIf's hands were still planted in front of his mouth. He looked down towards the small deer at his side and seemed to visibly relax slightly at seeing that the herbivore was not afraid. However, that relaxation was short-lived, as Legoshi quickly remembered the cafeteria full of students gazing with shacked expressions at the wolf. 

Forté watched as the wolf seemed to be thinking of ways out of the situation without fighting before he was interrupted by a voice from behind, "Oh, dear! Being a carnivore's not so easy is it?" Forté felt himself visibly relax as his brother approached from behind, even letting out a snicker at the unintentional pun, knowing that this confrontation would soon be over.

With a few brief words, Louis was able to get the whole cafeteria to stand up against the two carnivores who had been fighting. After the two boys had stormed off, and the crowd dispersed, Forté slipped away from Louis and Legoshi, inching closer to Jack. Normally he would enjoy his brother's company, but today he felt nothing but nervousness over the thought of his brother discovering his injuries from the night before.

Successfully making his way to Jack, he turned away from the wolf and deer's conversation. Turning towards the friendly dog, Forté started, "Does Legoshi always act like that? He seems so reserved most of the time." Jack was quick to respond and quell the deer's worries, "Oh, not, usually. He probably just slept wrong though, nothing to worry about!"

Forté could tell that the dog was also trying to reassure himself with the statement, but Forté trusted Jack's judgement, and decided to take his word on the matter.

Forté turned back in time to see Louis walking away from Legoshi. Louis' head swiveled to look towards his little brother, brows furrowing as his gaze moved to the stump that now resides on one of Forte's antlers.

With a final we'll talk about this later look, Louis left the cafeteria.

Well shit.


Forté had somehow managed to avoid his brother when the drama club gathered for a meeting. He had quickly run off to stand next to Legoshi, before the two of them walked with the rest of the art department to a separate meeting spot.

Now sitting on the floor, Forté was happy to see that the wolf on his left was less tense then he had been in the cafeteria.

The wolf held a costume in front of him, and slowly his shoulders slumped and his ears drooped a little. "This is Tem's," the wolf spoke.

At those words, Forté felt his own ears droop and a small frown found it's way into his face. He hadn't known the alpaca but based on Legoshi's reaction, they must've been friends.

Forté felt saddened by the state of the people he considered new friends, not even being able to imagine how tragic it must've been for them to lose a classmate.

Forté felt himself being knocked out of his stupor when he noticed everyone's eyes on him, "Sorry, did you say something?" Dom, THE blue peacock and head of the art department, replied with, "We were just wondering if you and Legoshi could go up to the gardening club in the roof to ask for flowers for the festival."

"Sure thing!" and with that Forté quickly stood. "We'll be back in no time!" the deer quickly walked off, hearing the wolf scramble to his feet to catch up.


The walk to the roof was a quiet one. The silence was luckily a comfortable one, the two animals just enjoying each other presence.

Forté knocked on the metal door that lead to the roof, while Legoshi stood next to him, tall as ever. Now that the two were standing still, Forté was able to feel small puffs of air against his back. Turning, he saw that it was Legoshi's tail, slowly swishing back and forth. The deer had always found canine's reactions adorable, loving how visibly happy they got at little things.

Legoshi was certainly no exception to that. Gazing up at the much taller of the two, he gave an amused smile. Legoshi quickly pulled his tail away from the deer and was about to stutter out an apology, but before he could, he was interrupted by the metal door in front of them swinging open.

In front of the two boys stood a pure white dwarf rabbit. She looked at them inquisitively as Forté spoke up, "Oh, hi! We're from the drama club. We're just here to talk about using some flowers for the meteor festival." At this the rabbit seemed to perk up. Rushing forward she grabbed the deer by the arm and proceeded to pull the larger herbivore forward. 

Legoshi felt a sudden surge of worry over the boy, afraid that the rabbit might make him fall over. He quickly brushed that thought aside, wondering why he had thought something so odd in the first place. "Legoshi, you coming?" Legoshi looked into the eyes of the deer, who was now gazing at him with an amused look.

Legoshi loved to see the deer smile. He really had a beautiful smile, the wolf thought to himself, as a  small smile crossed his face as well.

The wolf quickly snapped out of his train of thought. Lightly shaking his head, he made to follow the two. Suddenly the rabbit stopped and turned to the two, "I can't just give you my flowers for free. So I'll give them to you on one condition." She looked up towards Legoshi, then pointed to some large plant pots off to the side. "I need you to move those to that wall over there, meanwhile you can help me water the plants," as she finished what she was saying she turned to Forté, handing him a small spray bottle.

Forté took the bottle from her and turned to Legoshi with a soft smile, "Is that alright with you?"

The wolf looked at the deer and felt his head nodding with no hesitation.

Legoshi knew that there was no way he could say no to that smile.

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