Chapter 3 - Legoshi

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Kneeling before Tem's memorial, Legoshi felt distraught. He was still trying to wrap his head around the fact that a friend of his was now dead... and devoured no less... 

Tem. I told her your feelings, Legoshi thought to himself, hoping that Tem would approve of his actions. His interaction with Els had left him feeling colder inside than before. While he was happy to have been able to pass Tem's message along, Els' initial reaction to him left him feeling sad. 

He never had much of a prejudice against his own kind, but it was clear that while that may have previously been the case for his schoolmates, Tem's death has changed that.

Legoshi was lost in his own thoughts and was barely even able to notice the excited cries of, "Its Louis!" "He's handsome both on and off stage!" until the deer himself knelt to the side of Tem's memorial. Legoshi wasn't too surprised to see Louis here, he was the president of the drama club after all.

What did surprise him however, was when Louis waved for somebody else to come closer. Legoshi couldn't help but stare as a small deer glanced at him, then knelt down between Louis and himself.

The deer looked strikingly similar to Louis, which was only natural, now that he knew that the two were brothers, but Legoshi immediately honed in on their differences. This new red deer seemed to be shorter than Louis, slimmer too. His antlers were shorter, and his eyes seemingly kinder from the brief glance of the chocolate brown orbs he got when the small deer glanced at him.

He's gorgeo-

"Why are you staring at my brother?" Legoshi jumped, startled as the larger of the two deer called him out on his actions. "Is being rude a wolf's habit?" Legoshi, embarrassed that he had been caught, glanced towards Louis before quickly averting his gaze. Luckily, before he had to look away, he got to get another glimpse of the small deer's beautiful brown eyes.

"S-sorry," Legoshi stuttered, flooded with embarrassment. "You're that pup from the art department," at this statement from Louis, Legoshi returned his gaze to the larger deer. "Perfect timing. I have a favor to ask. Follow me," and with that, Louis stood, turned and walked back down the hall. Legoshi quickly scrambled to follow him, looking back at the small deer, who was also getting up to follow his older brother.

Legoshi found that he wasn't able to stop himself from stealing glances at the younger of the two deer as they hurried down the hall after Louis, trying to find a moment appropriate to ask for his name. Without even trying, Legoshi found himself admiring the way the sunlight from the windows bounced off the pale fur of the short deer.

While Legoshi was thinking about how to ask for the boy's name, he found himself disappointed when the deer stated, "Uh, Louis? I need to go find my dorm before it gets late." The herbivore's voice sounded like music to Legoshi's ears. Louis responded to his brother with, "Alright, you can go, but be sure not to go wandering where you can't be seen, and be sure to be at the drama club meeting tomorrow afternoon."

The young deer ducked his head and raised his shoulders, a shy smile on his face that made the wolf's heart skip a beat. He lifted his arm and gave Legoshi a short wave goodbye. Legoshi could do nothing but watch the boy turn to the left and begin to walk away from Legoshi and Louis.

Legoshi tried to mask his disappointment as he watched the back of the deer get smaller and smaller as it took off down the hallway and rounded another corner.


Legoshi followed Louis through the campus, into the drama club's building and finally into Louis' office. Waiting for them inside was a rather nervous looking goat who Legoshi recognized as Zoe. "Louis," the goat greeted.

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