In the other Multiverse

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In the second Multiverse

Narrator prov-
Anti-Void still

As the broken wannabe protector sat with blue prints surrounded them the began to think aloud.

"Maybe-  no. I could- no. But see- that won't work either." The ex-protector's eye visible twitched. "Maybe... that may work. Just add a... yes. This will work perfectly."

If you had been around the other you would have been able to feel the malicious intent be hind the broken up sentence.

As time went on they slowly collected bits and pieces of materials. No one noticed. Good. That was how the old creater liked it.

When ever the device was finished it didn't look like much. But it was far more greater then it looked.

The device would make it so that it was possible to travel to AND from different Multiverse. Even without a SOUL he could feel excitement rise up at the thought of having atleast a copy of HIS destroyer back.

He was so very excited.

It didn't matter who gets hurt.

Or who got in the way.

He was getting his love back.

Whether they want to or not it doesn't matter.

Because they will love him eventually.



Sorry for taking so long that last update has just been sitting there in the drafting section for every. I honestly thought I uploaded it already XD. So as an apology, and with random motivation, here is another chapter!

Also another might come out soon I have no idea

(253 words)

Weirdo out!

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