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As Jeremy sat on a stool at the bar in Jamie's watching the daylight dim behind the frosted-glass windows as dusk came. He was not yet twenty-one, but had only been drinking water since coming into this place more than an hour earlier, so no one bothered to ask him for I.D. Not that Jamie's was the sort of place he expected to get much of a hard time if he did decide he wanted a beer. It was a combination billiards hall and bar, but with a kind of hip, edgy atmosphere that somehow made it attractive to clientele more accustomed to dance clubs. Women in spaghetti-strap tops and guys with goatees shot pool with hip-hop thumping out of the ceiling-high speaker stacks.

Only in New Orleans.

The woman behind the bar was a former marine, if the tattoo on her left bicep was to be believed, and her brunette hair gleamed under the multicoloured lights of the bar. Jeremy figured She had to be Jamie.  A pair of girls in belly tees and jeans that looked crisp and new sat at a table near the front of the place and from time to time when he glanced at the door Jeremy caught them watching him. The blonde looked away every time, but this time the other, a brunette with exotic Mediterranean features, only smiled. He raised an eyebrow as she rose from her chair and walked towards him with a strut that made Jeremy think she was a model instead of the actress he presumed her to be.

She was a tiny thing, she would reach his chin at best even with the low heels on her stylish shoes.

"Hi" she said brightly, openly appraising him, one hand resting upon her hip.

Jeremy nodded. "Hey."

Her mouth was beautiful: thick lips painted pouty red, but not in that collagen-about-to-explode way. It was prettier when she smiled.

"I don't know what it is, but there's something about you."

"I'm going to say thanks, even though I'm not sure if it's a good thing," he told her.

"Neither am I," she replied, thrusting out a hand. "I'm Molly. Do you want to buy me a drink or play around of pool or something?"

Jeremy  glanced across the floor the blond who had been sitting with Molly. She was surrounded by a trio of guys who had swept in on her the moment she was alone; the vultures had descended. Looking back up at Molly.

"Pool's not my game."

Her smile was sly now. "Well then what is?"

"Hell kid, at least buy her a drink."  Jeremy turned to see Jamie standing behind the bar  arms crossed in front of her.
" you've been taking up a stool forever and haven't spent a dime,"

"Sorry waiting for someone."

"Someone who ain't gonna show, if you ask me."  Turned towards the bartender, Jeremy did not notice that he had lost Molly's attention until he heard her whisper.

"Fuck me."

Molly was staring towards the front door of Jamie's . Up near the front, her blond friend was now completely ignoring the guys hovering around her and instead was staring intently at the figure that swept in off the street.

"Wow" Molly whispered.

"He gets that a lot". Jeremy  grumbled, nodding in acknowledgment to the male who had entered the bar.

As Dean weaved past the tables to reach the end of the bar where he was located, Jeremy watched in fascination and a small amount of envy as most of crowded bar's eyes followed him to his destination. It wasn't just Molly and her attractive friend that stared transfixed at the dark and brooding man who looked like he was always ready to kill.

Ninety percent of the females in the bar stared at him with pure hunger and carnal desire reflecting in their eyes. It wasn't their fault of course; Dean Thornton just has this strange aura that demanded attention. Jeremy didn't know what it is about him that made him different from the rest of his kind but during his two years in New Orleans he had never came across another like him.

"That's who you're waiting for?"


Dean came to a halt a few feet away from him, completely oblivious to Molly, who stared at him with an obvious come fuck me look.

"Hey brother." Dean yelled a little so he could be heard over the music.

He nodded. "Hey."

Molly tossed her hair back, eyes sparkling. "Hi. I'm Molly."

Dean scoffed at her reaction before putting on a clearly fake smile. One that Molly didn't seem to notice.

"It's a pleasure." That was a blatant lie judging from the eye roll that followed. "I don't mean to be rude, Molly, but I need to speak to my friend here a minute, okay?"

He was giving her the brush-off, but Molly did not seem to notice.

"Alright but when you're done, I'm sitting right over there with my friend, and we would love to buy you two a drink." With that she turned and strutted back across Jamie's towards where she had left her friend.

Jeremy noticed that though Dean had barely given her a glance before, he took the time now to watch her move across the room. Just before Molly turned around, Dean faced him again.

"She's into you." He stated.

"No, she's into my animal magnetism." Dean Laughed and slid onto the stool beside him.

"Even if she was into me, that stopped as soon as you entered."

"Come on Jer, don't be jealous, it's not my fault all the ladies want and crave my attention." Dean let out another laugh before signalling the bartender over and ordering a beer.

"Want one?" he asked looking at his water.

"No, I'm good thanks."

Taking a big swig of his beer, Dean turned towards him with worry evident in his dark eyes and deep frown on his face. "So, want to tell me why you look like absolute shit" he sighed "What the fuck happened last night Jeremy?"

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