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As Jeremy stood in the never ending forest looking up at the dark sky, watching as the moon shone brightly, waiting for it to reach it's peak.

He felt a sudden loneliness.

Every Full moon he felt like this even after three years of coming to the forest and standing alone before the glistening moon. Tonight was the one night a month he should truly feel free, yet like every other month the feeling of being trapped consumed him.

This was not what he wanted, he didn't want to be standing here alone waiting for the inevitable pain to come and consume his body.

All he wanted was to be at home in the forest of Seattle with his family and pack, running through the tall trees, chasing and playing with each other.

Instead he was condemned to this, changing into his true form and running through the empty forest alone.

'I'm with you brother, no matter how unbearable the pain is.. know I love you and I'm here' 

Jeremy recalled the words his beloved brother had spoke to him the first time they had stood before the moon together waiting for the change to take over.

It had been Jeremy's first time changing after triggering his curse and he was utterly terrified, He didn't know what to expect or how it was going to feel, He just knew there would be pain and then unimaginable peace.

'Look at me Jer.. I'm here, It's going to hurt so you need to concentrate on the air in your lungs and the ground beneath you'

Listening to his words, Jeremy took a long deep breath of the air surrounding him. When he exhaled for the second time he felt the unmistakable twist in his stomach signalling his transformation was fast approaching, caught off guard he dropped to his knees.

'The change can take hours.. if you fight it, the pain will make you want to delay because you think that's all you can take but if you allow it in, let it swallow you whole then it cannot break you'

His brothers words rang in his head as he felt the excruciating sign that his change was upon him.

Jeremy gripped the wet earth beneath him letting the inevitable fire consume his body. It was a pain like no other, his entire insides were boiling hot making him feel as if he would burst into flames any moment.

'Breathe big brother, it's all going to be okay'

He took another deep breath of the air surrounding him and finally let his curse consume him.

He let out a loud wail in agony as his bones started to break and mould themselves to form the body of his natural self.

After a few moments the loud wails he had been producing finally stopped and the only thing that could now be heard in the abandoned forest was the giant howl he let out before running off into the tall, thick trees.

When dawn finally broke so did his curse, for another month that was.. until he would be right back where he started, standing in that abandoned forest alone and scared.

Jeremy woke up with a start to the sound of  banging and clattering coming from an unknown origin, unaware of where he had even woke up he jumped up from the wet dirt he had been lying in and proceeded to put on the clothes he had stuffed into a bag before hanging it around his neck, the previous night.

Jeremy Looking around his surroundings and knew straight away he was no longer where he had changed in to his beast the previous night, instead of seeing tall trees and bushes nothing but old creepy grave stones and the horrific smell of decaying corpses surrounded him.

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