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F E W D A Y S  E A R L I E R

hey ray! me and Anna are going into town on Saturday. Do you wanna come with us?
uh yeah sure i dont think im busy
great! i'll tell Anna.
ight. text you later, got to actually work.
okay! have fun! <3
i wont. <3
lol bye

Ray smiled and put his phone down before going back to the cashier desk. He had worked as a cashier at Starbucks ever since he turned 16. Now he's 19, 20 in two months. He hated his job but he didn't care because every night at midnight he would be the one locking up and he could always sneak a free coffee home.

He didn't mind working till late. He worked late almost every night so his sleep schedule adapted to his shifts so he's never really that tired.

Every day his schedule would look like this:

7:00 am- wake up
7:30 am- make breakfast
7:45 am- have a shower
8:05 am- get ready for the day
8:10 am- laze about
9:00 am- go for a walk
10:00 am- face time mum
10:30 am- clean up
11:03 am- do whatever
1:00 pm- make lunch
1:30 pm- work out
2:30 pm- have another shower
2:52 pm- pack food for work and put it in the fridge
3:10 pm- look through insta(or tinder)
4:00 pm- get spammed by Emma
4:30 pm- get called boring by Emma
5:00 pm- cry over how lonely you are
5:30 pm- fall asleep
7:45 pm- wake up and realize you're late for work
7:48 pm- get up and get ready for work
8:00 pm- bike to work
8:30 pm- shift starts
12:00 am- shift finishes
12:30 am- clean up
12:55 am- get free coffee
12:57 am- lock up
1:00 am- cycle home
1:30 am- have another shower
2:00 am- finish coffee
2:10 am- go to bed
and repeat

Sometimes he even got home at 4 am. It depended on how long his shift for the day was. Sure he got tired of the same thing every single day but at least he had weekends off and its a good paying job too which is a benefit.

He was thinking of going to uni when he had enough savings. He would pay for tuition and then he'd move onto campus. He'd still work at starbucks though, for the money. Emma was always bragging about how she's the top of her uni class. The thing is, Ray isn't exactly 'rich'. His dad cut him out of his will and his mum is selfish, dont get me wrong his mum is lovely, but she only thinks of herself. Emma always offered him money but he declined with the same words "i have my own money, i dont need yours too".

Emma would always insist but Ray didn't care. He'd never take the money. It'd make him feel bad.

R A Y S  P O V

I sighed as I started locking up. Today was a long day, there were loads of customers, more than usual, and most of them were 'karens'.

I got on my bike and took a sip of my coffee before starting to cycle home.

As I was cycling, I could feel a pair of eyes staring at me so I looked behind me, not keeping my eyes in front. I shrugged it off and looked back infront of me just in time to see the person I almost hit. I swerved away from the mysterious man, falling off my bike and spilling my coffee all over me "ow fuck! hot hot hot" I groaned and got up, brushing myself. "I'm so sorry si-" as I looked to where the boy was, he was no longer there. I couldn't see him anywhere. Hm..weird. I thought to myself as I picked my bike up and started pushing it.

When I got home I put the empty coffee cup in the bin and went to the bathroom to have a shower. When I got out of the shower I went and got some pjs on before going to sleep.

my princess [ray x norman]Where stories live. Discover now