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TWs: sexual assult.

Ray was getting ready for the day. The day he was going to town with Emma and Anna. Ray had had a crush on Anna for quite a while now and all Emma did was take the piss out of him. He hated Emma for that but he couldn't help but laugh along with her. Anna, of course, didn't know about his little crush and that made it funnier for Emma.

Ray left his house and texted Emma

hey, now leaving
k cool. meet us at subway.
okay. cya soon

Ray smiled and put his phone in his pocket before getting on his bike and cycling to subway.

Once he got there he took out his phone and was about to text Emma when she snuck up on him, making him jump


"you bitch! you scared me!" I shouted at Emma as she laughed her ass off "I hate you."
"I love you too Ray." She laughed
"H-hey Anna." I said and smiled
"Hello again Ray." She returned the smile
"H-hey Anna~" Emma mocked and almost fell over from laughing too hard.
"shut the fuck up Emma." I groaned as Anna laughed. I smiled. God her laugh is so cute. I thought to myself.
"ray stop thinking about Anna." Emma teased
"Shut it!" I shouted and started walking away.
A laughing Emma and a shy, beautiful Anna followed.


"Awh guys I have to go now." Anna said sadly
"That's totally fine! Will you be okay getting home?" I asked
"Yeah I'll be fine, my mums picking me up." She smiled
"Okay good." I smiled back
"Okay lovebirds just kiss already." Emma groaned causing Anna to blush. She looked at me shyly. I gulped and stared into her beautiful dimond blue eyes. She stared back. Just as we were about to kiss something hit me "Ow what the fuck." I looked around and didn't see anyone but Emma and Anna. I looked at Anna and she looked upset that I didn't kiss her. "I..I should get going..bye." She said and walked away
"Well done Ray now she thinks you're playing her." Emma said and rolled her eyes
"w-what?" I mumbled
"You're sick." Emma said and walked away. I jogged after her. "At least let me walk you home." I said


I was walking home by myself after dropping Emma off at her house when I noticed someone following me. I gulped and quickened my pace. I'm pretty sure the person knew that I knew I was being followed because he didn't bother hiding when I turned around. It eventually got to the point of me running.

By the time I got home, I couldn't see him anymore so I, of course, thought I had lost him. That was until I had a shower and got out. The mirror had condensation on it from the steam of the shower and someone had written on it with their finger. It read 'Hey pretty princess. Wanna play a game? :)'

Before I could run and get my phone I felt someone pull me close to their body. I screamed and tried to get out of their grip but they just covered my eyes and mouth. "shhhh, princess its okay, I won't hurt you~" The person said as they caressed my cheek. I gulped and started shaking from fear. "My princess is so beautiful~" He said as one of his hands went down and roamed my body. I felt him put a blindfold on me as he led me to, I think, my living room. He layed me down on the sofa and hovered above me. I could feel his eyes skim over my body as he chuckled lowly "oh princess~ you're perfect~" He said as he put his hand under my chin and he grazed my lips with his thumb.

"my poor princess," he cooed as he kissed the wound I got from coming off my bike the other day "you're so silly." He said as he stroked my hair. I felt him get off me as he pulled me up "you're too perfect to kill just yet~" the word 'kill' bought shivers to my spine. Was..Was I going to die? "put your arms up princess." He said and I obeyed, fearing for my life. He chuckled "So obedient~ I love it." He said in a low and husky voice as i felt him put a shirt on me.

After he got me dressed he led me outside "wh-where are you taking me.." I mumbled
"shhh princess" I heard the sound of a car door open. He sat me in the car as he put the seatbelt around me and shut the door before getting in the drivers seat. "now princess, scream and I'll kill you. Understand?" He threatened as he put something that felt like a gun to my skin. I shivered and nodded. "good boy." he took the gun away and started the car before starting to drive.

"So princess. What's your name?" He asked
"R-Ray.." I mumbled
"Speak up princess." He encouraged
"Ray.." I said with a shaky voice
"That's a beautiful name~" He said as the car stopped "We're here."
"W-whats your name?" I asked hoping he would be stupid.
"I can't tell you that princess." he wasn't.

He got out of the car and got me out before going into what I assumed to be an apartment. As we went up the stairs I counted how many there were. 1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8.....14...15...16...16 steps. okay. I thought to myself.

He took me inside and sat me down before sitting down himself. He pulled me onto his lap and caressed my cheek. "So princess~ What am I going to do to you~" He cooed as he slipped his hand up my shirt. I shivered at his cold touch as I tried to move away but that just made him replace his hand with the same gun from earlier. "S-sorry.." I mumbled
"That's what I thought princess~" He smirked and pressed his lips to my neck. He kept the gun resting against my back to remind me that I can't do anything about the situation I'm in.
"P-please stop..." I said, shaking
"Hmm...why?" He asked as he started to caress my thighs
"because...i d-don't know you...and..im s-straight..." He just chuckled lowly and moved his hands to my inner thigh causing me to grip his shirt
"Are you now?" He asked and slapped my thigh, making me yelp
"Y-yes..now please stop it..."
"Seems like you like it to me princess~" He cooed and pulled me closer
"I don't...just...p-please...I'll do anything...just please let me go." I pleaded causing him to laugh
"Sorry princess, I can't." He said and pressed the gun right to my spine as he started to mark my neck "You're mine now."

I teared up and gripped his shirt tighter, wanting him to stop. This wasn't the first time something like this had happened. Apart from the first time, my life wasn't on the line. "come on princess. work with me here." He said, clearly getting frustrated. He removed the gun and held a firm grip on my hips, moving them. He groaned softly as I just prayed for survival whilst letting tears fall from my eyes. "for fuck sake princess you're no fun." he said and stopped before putting the gun to my head. "your boring."

I couldn't think straight. "I'm sorry! Please dont kill me!" I begged as I put my hands on his shoulders and started to grind on him, trying not to die. "Finally." He scoffed and picked me up and layed me down on a bed. He hovered above me and kissed my forehead. "Just go to sleep princess. It's late." He said and got up. Leaving me alone on the bed. I sat up and took the blindfold off before looking around. The apartment looked grubby. There was no light and there was mold on the walls. The bed, however, was pretty comfortable. The bed was the only thing in the room besides a wardrobe.

I heard him coming back so I put the blindfold back on and layed down, pretending to be asleep.

He layed next to me and wrapped his arms around my body, pulling me close to him before digging his head into my neck and falling asleep.

How the hell was I supposed to sleep in these conditions?

hey! i'm sorry i haven't updated in a while i've been busy with school but i'm on holiday now though so i should be more active <3

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