f o u r

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TW's: 18+ content


R A Y S  P O V

It's been at least 3 weeks since I was taken to this horrible place. With each passing day I see Norman less and less, he's always going out late and when he comes back he goes straight to bed. I'm not complaining because it's helping me plan my escape, but still. I seem to have developed an emotional attachment to him. I hate it.
"Princess, come here." I heard him say from another room, sternly. I quickly obeyed. I went to the room and saw him getting ready to go somewhere. "I'm going out, I won't be back for dinner, so you'll be cooking for one tonight. Bye." He said and then he was gone.
"but- I can't cook," I sighed "I guess I could make a sandwich."

I walked into the kitchen and looked for the bread "Asshole." I cursed as I saw that most of the food that was there before, wasn't anymore. "Guess I'm starving tonight then." I said before sitting on the sofa and turning the TV on. I had so much freedom and I don't know why. I was supposed to be a victim of kidnap. I thought being kidnapped meant being tied to a chair by a sadist who has nothing better to do, but this is quite nice actually. Although I do miss Emma...and Anna. God I miss Anna. Her beautiful blonde hair and gorgeous blue eyes.

I soon find myself becoming rather, horny. My hand went down to my belt and reached into my pants. I began to jerk myself, the image of Anna in my mind.

As soon as I felt myself getting close, the image of Anna became distorted and began to fade away and soon it had morphed into an image of Norman. "what the fuck-" I said as I finished. To Norman. What the fuck Ray?! I thought to myself as I caught my breath back. Why did you finish to Norman. Your fucking kidnapper. Are you insane?! You're straight! ...Don't worry Ray, it's just a phase. You'll grow out of it. I convinced myself before going to get a shower and going to bed.


I woke up to Norman making a racket "what are you doing-" I asked, sitting up rubbing my eyes
"My fucking gun has gone missing," He said angrily "did you take it- of course you did you're the only one in here. where the fuck is it."
"I-I don't know-" He cut me off by grabbing my neck and straddling me
"Do not fucking lie to me princess." He said through gritted teeth
"I p-promise I didn't take-take it." I choked, he tightened the grip
"I don't believe you!" He yelled and slapped me before tightening his grip even more.
"c-can-n't br-eathe-" I struggled, as my eyes teared up
"I thought you loved me, I thought you wanted to stay with me, I thought I could trust you princess," He said in a low growl "I guess I was wrong. Such a shame, I was beginning to actually like you."

He tightened his grip even more to the point where I couldn't even gasp for breath. A tear ran down my cheek as I felt myself running out of air. I don't want to die...not here...please... I kicked him off me and instantly gasped for air. I got up and ran to the front door as fast as I could. "Open you fucker!" I cried, trying to open the door but, surprise surprise, it wouldn't open. I turned around just in time to dodge a swing from Norman, my heart was pounding. He blocked me, my back to the door, I couldn't go anywhere, wait, yes I could. I slid down and went under one of his arms. "Stop putting up a fight princess." He said sternly. I ran to the kitchen and got a glass and filled it up with water before also grabbing a knife and hiding it in my belt. I hid the cup behind my back as Norman entered the kitchen. He walked over painfully slowly. Once he reached me he parted my hair at the front because it was in my eyes and then lifted my chin up to look at him. "You're pretty smart, for a kid." He hummed and leaned down "Don't try anything like this again." He whispered in my ear. I gulped. "Sorry for accusing you princess," He apologized and showed me his gun "It must've fallen on the floor when I came home last night." He smiled. God, that smile. That's what will be the death of me.

He went to kiss me when I splashed the water in his face. I knew that I'd just fucked up real bad but I still ran. I ran into the bathroom and locked the door. "Oh now you've done it Ray." He said in a voice that sent shivers down my spine "You'll be lucky if you're alive at noon."
"I-I'm sorry!" I cried and moved away from the door and looked around for a window. I heard him try to open the door, I jumped and looked at the door. Once he realized it was locked he punched it "Come on princess, come out," He said softly "I won't kill you."
"I d-don't believe you!" I said shakily
"Poor princess...you're stuck in there, there's no way to get out." He chuckled "Looking for a window...how stupid." He went silent for a second. I just cried even more. Why is this happening to me? I thought. What did I do in my past life to deserve this?

Suddenly, I heard a gunshot. I practically snapped my neck with how fast I looked at the door. There was a hole in it. Norman had shot the door. "I can do the same to the lock and let myself right in Ray, so i suggest you come out right now." He said in annoyance. I just stood there shaking. I was going to die. I'm going to die. He groaned and then shot the lock, the door swinging open when he kicked it. He walked over to me and put the gun to the side of my head. "Give me one really good reason why I shouldn't kill you here and now." He said.

I was shaking, I couldn't move, I couldn't speak. I could only cry. "You're getting on my nerves." His finger resting right on the trigger. I slowly reached for the knife in my belt. I firmly gripped the handle and waited. He rolled his eyes and was just about to shoot when I swung the knife at him. I didn't stab him but I managed to make a cut on his cheek. He fell back and dropped the gun, clasping his hands over the wound. I picked the gun up and pointed it at him. "I should kill you right now." I said, panting.
He just laughed "Wow Ray. You look so hot right now."
"Sh-Shut up! I will shoot you!" I shouted
"Go on then, shoot me." He said

Shoot him Ray. Why can't you shoot him? Just fucking pull the trigger. I was shaking like a fucking idiot. I couldn't do it. Why couldn't I do it?

"You have no idea how amusing this is." He laughed and got up
"S-Stay back!" I warned and steadied myself. He walked closer and closer, smiling like an insane person.
"You're cute princess," He said and tucked a strand of hair behind my ear "come on, give me the gun."
"n-no!" I stuttered and moved back. He chuckled and followed.

My back was pressed against the wall. I couldn't go anywhere now. He was right in front of me. I was shaking, tears running down my face. Norman rested his hands on mine and took the gun. I slid down the wall. "Please don't kill me." I cried as I looked up at Norman. He crouched down and placed the gun on the floor before wiping my tears.
"I won't, this time, but if you try anything like this again, I will," He said "and that's a promise. Now, I'm going to go clean my face up, you cut me pretty good, well done princess." He smiled and got up and left the room with the gun and knife, leaving me sat on the floor. I think I just shat myself-


HELLO GUYSS. I FINALLY UPDATED! Sorry for making you wait so long :')
I hope you enjoy this chapter and I hope I can get another out soon.
Tysm for still reading this after me taking months to update, ilysm <3

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