after the break up

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Umji: after the break up taehyung and i didn't crossed path again.. jungkook said taehyung always alone and give his focus in his work.
And what happened about me sowon unnie call me that night and she pick me up at han river crying when i came to the dorm all the members is comforting me and asking me what happened?  I told them that i break up with taehyung oppa and i didn't tell them what is the reason but they understand.. they say that's normal to be sad in break up because that person did have a part of the chapter of our life..

I didn't throw any stuff that taehyung gave me. Even delete his picture.. i know i couldn't find love again.. only taehyung is my love.

I focus on making song and make my self busy to not to miss taehyung oppa but still i remember him even dreaming of him..

And the song by George "look at me"
I listen to this when i remember taehyung..

Someday , i still have hope to be with you again "tae-ji"

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