Chapter 61: The Sleep Hangout 2

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(Winner: KarateChris12 )
After school Billy Dee said "Hey guys, wanna go to my hangout tonight?" I said "Sure." Chris said "Sounds fun." Jacob said "I'll be there!" Billy Dee invited Goombella, Madison, and Bow and they said they would come too. While walking home Billy Dee had hearts over his head and on his eyes. I said "You ok?" He said "Huh..." He hit a lamppost and I said "You love someone don't you?" He said "What, of course not!" I said "Well doctor Tyrone says differently. It seems you have a case of Loverfermia." Billy Dee said "Is it contagious?!" I said "Highly. Goom had it but he got over Goombella, I hope. Them it passed to Bomb-Boo, then Goombario, then Koops, and now it's you." Jacob said "That is true." Chris said "He's right." I said "Who do you like?" Billy Dee said "That's non of your business!" Jacob said "Come on! You can tell us." "Never!" Chris said "Fine." We all went to Billy Dee's house to help him get ready for the party. We got the DJ booth ready, Chris got the food and drinks, and Jacob took care of cooking and party supplies. When it was all done I said "Wow Jacob, you really know how to cook." He said "Of course I do! Have you met me?" "And how to decorate." "Seriously, you've known me for how long?!" Chris said "I'm done getting drinks and food ready." Billy Dee said "And I got everything else done." We heard a knock at the door and it was Goombella, Bow, Madison, and... Bella Dee? Billy Dee said "Give us one second!" He pushed us into his room and said "What is Bella Dee doing here?!" I said "Haha Isabella." Billy Dee said "Focus!" Chris said "Madison invited her to the hangout." Jacob said "What's the big deal?" Billy Dee sighed and said "I like Bella Dee." We all said "Oooooooh. We're pretty stupid." Billy Dee said "How can I impress her? I'm to shy to talk to her." I said "We'll happily help you. Let's go guys!" Chris said "Sing to her. That should work." Billy Dee said "That should work!" We went back downstairs and Billy Dee grabbed a microphone. I said "I have a bad feeling about this... Pass the popcorn and soda. This is gonna be good." The lights started dimming down and Bella Dee said "What's happening?"
Billy Dee said "Kirby Kirby Kirby! That's the name you should know! Kirby Kirby Kirby! He's the Star of the show! He's more then you think he has maximum pink! Kirby Kirby Kirby's the one! He's coming right! Back at ya! He's coming right! Back at ya! Give it all that you got take your very best shot! He'll send it right back at you for sure! Yeah!" A computer screen came down and someone said "How can I help you King Deedeedee?" King Deedeedee crashed through the wall and said "I need a monster to clobber that there Kirby!" "That's what we do best at NME." A waddle Dee crashed through and said "You better get with your money back guarantee!" Billy Dee yelled "Kirby Kirby Kirby, saving the day! Kirby Kirby Kirby! He's here to stay! Don't be fooled by his size you won't believe your eyes! Kirby! Kirby! Kirby! Kit you! Kirby, Kirby, Kirby's the one! Right back at ya! Yeah!"
Deedeedee said "Well that was fun. See ya." The waddle Dee followed him and the computer went away. Bella Dee said "What was that?" Billy Dee said "Um... A song." Bella Dee said "It was a bad song." Billy Dee went back on the couch and dropped the microphone. I said "Well I liked it. Now for my plan! Show her your skills on an arcade machine!" Billy Dee said "Yeah, that could work." We all went to the arcade room, yes he has one. He went on Donkey Kong and Bella Dee went next to him. He died by the first barrel. I was playing Pac-Man and beat it easily! Bella Dee said "Wow your really good at this game." I said "Thank you." Billy Dee pushed us back to the living room and said "Nothing is working!" Jacob said "Lets go soccer field. Some people love people that can play sports." Billy Dee said "That can work!" We went to the field and got ready. Then Jr and his friends came on the field. He said "What are you losers doing on our field?" Jacob said "What do you mean? This field is for everyone-." Jr said "Can it brainiac!" He punched him and he said "Tyrone, the mansion is over run with painted hats." I said "And now, it's personal." A crowd of people went into the seats and an announcer went to his seat. He said "And tonight we have the baddie raddies! With, Bowser Jr, Goom, Bomb-Boo, Koops, Bobby Doo, Goomshroom, Kemek, and Red Koopa! On the other side of the field is Minion Madness! With, Tyrone, Jac- oh my goodness, can someone check on him." Jacob said "Sonic don't kiss the princess." I said "He's fine." The announcer said "Alright then, Jacob, Chris, Billy Dee, Goombella, Bow, Madison, and Bella Dee! Let's see how this will turn out!" Steven jumped up and said "Ok guys! I'm your team leader! So here's the plan! Toast." I said "Uh what?" He yelled "Yeah Toast!" Jr said "First one to score wins." Me and Jr went to the middle of the field and he said "Your gonna loose this one." I said "Im about to open a can of whoop ya!" "Well your gonna need a can opener." Billy Dee yelled "PWNED!"A lakitu dropped the ball in the middle of the field and it was going in slow mo.
(Listen to the music while you read, C'Mon no Ride on the Smash Hype Train plays)
I jumped up and kicked the ball. Jr said "That's cheating!" I said "All's fair in soccer and wa-." Goom kicked me to the ground and had the ball. Chris hit him hit him with his shell and had the ball. He said "Jacob!" Jacob said "Huh? What happe-." He got the ball and started hitting it with his head. Bomb-Boo exploded and the ball flew out of the field. Me and Jr yelled "It's mine!" Koops hit me out of his way and Goombella tripped him and got the ball. She kicked it to the goal but Bobby Doo hit it to our goal. Madison blocked it and it flew out field. Jacob said "Come on!" We all ran out of the field and the announcer said "Wait what?!" It landed on a roof and me and Jr climbed to the top of it. I said "The ball is mine!" Jr said "Hahaha! Your so gullible!" "What do you-?" Red Koopa's shell was painted black and white and I looked down. Kemek was slowly kicking the ball to the goal. Jr got in his Clown Copter and went to the field. RK went in his shell and jumped off. Jr said "Later loser!" I yelled "Jacob!" He said "What?" "Do the thing!" "What?! You said never do the thing ever again!" "Well I want you to now!" He grabbed a bullet bill launcher and fired me at Kemek. I kicked ball and started running to the goal. I dodged everyone but then Jr was there! He said "You can't get past me!" I kicked the ball over him and slid under. I got the ball and kicked it into the goal. The announcer said "The winners are Minion Madness!" Jr started crying and they all left. I said "That was awesome!"
(Music Stops)
We went back home and Billy Dee said "Nothing worked! Let me do my thing!" We all started walking to the dance floor and I over heard Bella Dee say "He's not really my type. He's funny but silly which can be nice b-." Jacob said "Finally lets get dancing!" I didn't get to hear the rest so we just started dancing. Billy Dee said "See these killer moves? No one can resist these! Wait, where's Bella Dee?" Jacob said "I don't know, lest look for her." Everyone looked everywhere but we couldn't find her. I said "Me and Jacob will look here, you guys look around the house." We all split up besides Jacob and me. Bella Dee walked up to me and I said "Hey, Billy Dee was looking for y-." Out of nowhere she kissed me in the lips! She ran away and Jacob said "What was that?!" I said "I... Don't... Know..." Billy Dee came in and said "Bella Dee is in the bathroom crying. Do you guys know what happen?" Me and Jacob looked at each other and said "Nope." Chris said "Do you hear someth-." Jr crashed through the wall and Billy Dee said "Ah come on, this like the second hole in the house today." Jr said "After that soccer game, we aren't letting you guys go that easily!" Jacob said "Wait what's happ-." Jr punched him and Jacob said "Pizza pineapples are really good on the monkey train." He fell to the ground and I said "You wanna play that game?" A bullet bill hit me to the wall and I said "At least Chris can-." Chris landed next to me in his shell and I said "What happen?" He said "Bomb-Bom." They surrounded Billy Dee then the girls came in. Koops pointed to them and all our rivals went to them. I couldn't get up and I said "No!" Billy Dee said "That's it! Get ready for..." He put in a mask and grabbed his Deedeedee spear. He said "Masked Billy Dee!" He started destroying all of them! His spear was electrified and it shocked everyone it touched! Everyone ran away besides Jr, who was on the floor. Jr looked up and Billy Dee said "What we're gonna do now, is I'm gonna learn ya how to play buttball." Jr started running back to his castle yelling "I'll be back!" Bella Dee said "My hero!" They started kissing and I turned around and said "Whoa! That's gross." When they stopped I turned back around. Billy Dee was on the floor with hearts over his head.

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