Chapter 6: A New Goomba

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The next day at school a new kid came, his name was Gooms. If it wasn't obvious enough, he's a goomba. I didn't get his name but he still seemed cool. He had hair like Elvis Presley all the girls were breath takin, besides Bow. Then I noticed Goombella was breath takin as well. I was gonna say something but I didn't. Then during the rest of the day everything he did was perfect! His Woeld Map design during art class was perfect. He knew the Kirby Stomach Theory ( Black Hole Theory ). I was so mad, I didn't care about the other girls but he had Goombella laughing, studying together. Then on the bus she sat with him! I tried to ignore it but she didn't even say hi to me all day! After school they both went to Goom's house. When she finally left I was waiting at Bow's house. I said,"Hello." She said "Hello?" "So why were you at Gooms?" "Your jealous aren't you?" "No why would I be jello of some guy who's good at literally everything! And is trying to steal you form me!" She rolled her eyes then she said "Look me and Goom are just friends." She kissed me on the cheek and walked to Bow's house. Once she left I knocked on Goom's door. When he opened it he said "Oh hey Tyrone what's up?" I was extremely mad now. He said "What?" I said "Lay off my girl is what!" He said "Look Goombella wants someone like her, not someone like you, a kid who only plays video games with no hair." "I don't understand why someone would even look at you or date you at that!" "Have you seen me I'm so handsome." I kept coming up with terrible insults then Goombella came and broke us up from bickering. Then after we calmed down I walked to Jacob's house. Goom seemed mad but I had a small smirk and I don't think Goombella liked it. Then when we got to my room she said "Why would you do that!?" I said "What do you mean, it was obvious he was trying to steal you!" "And yet you think that would happen, you don't trust anyone I hang out with? What if I started hanging out with Chris more then you?" "You didn't say hi to me at all today or spoke to me or sat with me!" "So what does that even matter!? I guess the talking part makes sense and I'm sorry but everything else is ridiculous!" I had to agree. Then Jacob almost walked in but he closed the door before he did. Then Goombella said "You know what I'm going home." I didn't know how to react, at least tomorrow was Friday so I can just go to the movies this weekend. The next day me and Goom kept staring at each other. We knew that we were gonna fight like this for a while, but I would always win. Then at Lunch while Goombella was still waiting in line for her lunch. I started walking to Dark Justin, Jacob, and Princess Amanda. Then Goom hit my tray off my head. He said in a stupid voice "Oh I'm sorry. Here let me get that for you." He picked up my mushroom cake and slammed it in my face. Everyone gasped including Goombella. Then he whispered to me "After school you meet me at the back of the school or else." Then he pointed to Bowser Jr and his goons. I rolled my eyes and sat down at the table. Then Jacob said "Um you got a little big-" then Sockboy came and said "Did you call for me?" We told him "No." Then I went back to the Playstation table. Then Jacob said "So you have a little big cake crumb like everywhere on your face." I nodded and wiped my face then put my face on the table. Goombella came and asked "What happen?" I was about to tell her but then I thought "If I tell her then she'll stop me from beating up Bowser Jr and Goom, it's like a two for one special!" So I told her "No nothing happen it was all just a... Mistake." The day seemed like it went so much faster then it was time to fight Goom and possibly Bowser Jr. I went to the back of the school like he told me to and waited for him. Then Goombella came instead with Goom? I asked "Why are you here?" She said "Goom told me you beat him up for the accident with the cake." Then he came with a bandage on his head. He started crying fake tears. Now you had no idea how mad I was. I told Goombella everything, but she didn't know who to believe. So she walked away. Goom said "I can't believe you beat me up." I said " I didn't and you know it! You were suppose to challenge me!" "Ha oh well." Then he kicked a rock or something at me and it hit my eye. Then he walked away. Once I got to Bow's house I explained what he said and how I got the black eye. She felt sorry for me I'm guessing because the next thing I knew I had cookies with milk. But I knew something had to happen so while she was talking to Bow I went to Jacob's house, told him evreything and he agreed to help me stop Goom. We gathered a couple other friends. Now that everyone was here we had a plan.

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