Chapter 33: The New Prince Part 2

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When Jacob was finally back everything was going right! There was no problems at all! Bowser Jr even went missing for a week or so but eventually I got confused, his goons weren't even around anymore. Me and Jacob went to World 8 to see what was going on. When we went there principal Bowser said "No I don't know where Jr has been for the last week." I said "But he's your son?" "Yeah, what about it?" I sighed and said "Right, because when your son goes missing that's not a problem. Come on Jacob." That night something woke me and Jacob up, a crash or something! Me and Jacob looked out my window and saw a Koopa with a crown on! When he stood up he had a bib like... Baby Bowser's! He looked at me and Jacob and we closed the window and blinds. We started running but he shot a fireball that exploded! That crown is more powerful then I ever thought! Jacob landed on the ground in his room and I landed on the wall. We saw a ball with spicks on it roll through the hole in the wall. Jacob opened his window and ran out it I did too. I landed on the ground but Jacob was fine. We ran to Chris's house but while running paint splatters kept coming next to us! I said while running "Where are we going!" Jacob said "Chris's house! Hurry! The paint players are getting more accurate!" When we got there we saw Chris's window open, so Jacob threw me up there and he floated. The first thing we did was close Chris's window and blinds so Bowser air wouldn't be able to get us. We slowly woke up Chris and told him everything. We heard something heading our way so I said "Hey who's cooking this late at n-." Bowser Jr shot another exploding fireball at us and we all started running out the door. While running we heard Bowser Jr say "Don't worry they'll get you eventually!" We tumbled down one of those hills with eyes on them and landed in World 1-1. We hid in a pipe fir the rest of the night until we were sure he wasn't there. When we all thought it was safe we went out of the pipe back to Jacob's house. Chris said "What was that!?" I said "It was Prince Koopa... But what's wrong with him today?" Jacob said "Yeah, he's more crazy then usual." We heard snapping and I said "Jacob turn off your snap sound effects." Jacob said "What are you talking ab- Wait why would I even have snapping effects!" "Because you don't have and fingers." "You don't have any hands!" "Are we gonna make this joke every single day!?" Before Jacob could say anything a blue Goomba, blue Koopa, and blue Boo came out of the ground. Chris said "Whoa, what's this?" Then a blue sword came out of the ground, a blue crown, and blue shell. We all backed up and then Blue me slashed at me. I yelled and ran around the room, while he was trying to slash me into pieces! Jacob said "Wow, so are these guys our exact cop-." Blue Boo froze Jacob and Chris said "Yep exact copies." Blue me kept slashing at me. I jumped on the couch and he cut it in half. I jumped on a family picture of Jacob and his dad and slashed it. I jumped on the remote and the T.V turned on and... We both watched T.V. I said "Can you pass the popcorn." He said "Boo," and gave me the popcorn. Chris hid in his shell and blue him kept slashing him, the crack on his shell got a little bigger. Chris started spinning in his shell and he hit his blue clone while it was charging at him. It went so fast it made a Sonic Boom sound. I said "Keep it down! We're gonna miss the best part!" Jacob became red with rage and broke out of the ice! He pushed his clone to the wall and his clone's mouth opened and it shot snowballs at Jacob. He dodged most of them but all the snowballs that missed hit the T.V and broke it! I said "So where were we?" My clone said "Boo." I said "Right," I jumped off the couch and onto Jacob. Clone me charged at Jacob and so did clone Jacob. Clone Chris kicked Chris to us and the shell hit us all out the window. Chris was still in his shell and I jumped on it and said "Jacob push us to the new lands!" Jacob said "What?" I sighed and said "Just hit the shell and jump on before it leaves." "Ohhhhhh!" Jacob pushed the shell and jumped on. We slid down one of the hills with eyes and landed in the lost forest where our weapons were. I tried pulling out the sword but it wouldn't budge but then we saw a bright light again. When we all woke up we saw the 3 goddesses. I said "Hey, why aren't we aloud to get our weapons?" The goddess of power said "We are still working on your powers. Upgrading as you would say." I said "Yeah I guess s- wait what is that suppose to mean?" The goddess of courage said "They are ready. Jacob you now have the power of fire. Chris you now have the power of thunder. Tyrone." I was so excited but she said "You stayed the same." I said "Um sorry what?! WHAT!?" Jacob covered my mouth and said "I'm sorry goddesses he doesn't know what he's saying." The goddess of wisdom said "Its because you have to learn to connect to your sword, they wrote songs about their weapons. So take it or leave it." I snatched the sword and grunted a few things. The goddess of wisdom said "You know I'm all seeing and hearing right? I could put you into flames and feed you to the spiny cheep-cheeps." I said "What did I say?" Then we saw another flash of light and we woke up with our stuff next to us. I put on my red hero clothes, Chris put on his shell and Jacob put on his crown. I grabbed my sword and then we saw our clones jump out of a bush. I slashed at ghost me and he said "Ket the battle comince." He slashed and I slashed back. He seemed faster but I couldn't tell. When he slashed at me I jumped on his sword and down slashed at him. He dodged and hit me to the ground. We both slashed at the same time and dropped our swords by accident. We slid to pick up our swords. When we did we both did a air spin slash and crossed paths. When we both landed in our feet we both looked behind us and saw two huge trees, we both threw our swords at the trees behind each other. Our swords cut down the trees and he tried dodging it. Before he could I Sparta kicked him to the path the trees were falling, right in the middle. His last words were "You'll regret this!" Then both trees crashed down on him. When I looked behind me I saw Chris and his clone constantly crashing into each other. I had to help somehow, I was aiming at the clone but then I realized a perfect plan. I threw my sword at Chris's shell and yelled "Chris behind you!" He turned around quickly and kicked the sword to his clone quickly. I don't know if he flinched or if that was triggered by fear but either way my plan worked! I sliced the clone in half and it disappeared. Chris gave me a thumbs up and I just nodded with a grin. Jacob and his clone kept copying each other like a mirror, like our clones were. When Jacob did a fire spin, his clone did a ice spin. When Jacob breathed fire breath, his clone breathed ice breath, but when they did hit each other it would make water. So if Jacob touched it he would most likely die. We were about to help but then we saw something that changed our minds. Jacob's eyes went from black to purple and his tongue went blue again. His fire hair went from red to dark purple and he breathed out tons of fire! His clone tried countering but died by the fire. Jacob went back to normal and stopped floating, he was knocked out. Me and Chris caught him and went to E. MADD's house. When we got there his house was locked for once and he said "W-who is it?! What do you want?!" I said "Its Jacob, Chris, and Tyrone." "How do I know it's you guys?!" "You have the g-." He opened the door quickly and grabbed all of us and took us in. He dropped us all into 3 chairs and shined a light into our eyes. I said "Ack! What are you doing!?" He said "Get that boo out of here! He might be a spy!" "No he's our friend!" "Fine, I'll trust him for now." He turned off the light and dragged us all to the computor, Jacob was still knocked out. Chris put him on the ground next to the computer. E. Madd said "Yesterday night while I was doing research. *flashback* While I was researching the gem I found out that who ever where's the crown now is a part of it! By that I mean, the crown scans them and gives them their most desired wish. King Boo's was for Jacob to be able to become the new Prince. Jacob's wish was to be free of the crown and to save you guys at any cost." I said "That's why he turned into his Prince self when he was matched?" E. Madd said "Yes it must be. And now whoever has the crown is trying to destroy you 3?" Chris said "Yeah, why?" E. Madd said "Do you know who this person is?" I said "Bowser Jr." E. Madd gasped and sat down and said "You 3 might possibly end the world. He's a tyrant! He won't stop until he destroys all of y-." We heard a crash in the wall and Bowser Jr was there. E. Madd said "Oh no! It's to late already! Run into the portal! Save yourselves! Find the source of the crown's ultimate power!" Me and Chris grabbed Jacob and jumped into the portal. We heard a few explosions while going through the portal but finally got back to the Ghost World. When we got there Jacob woke up and said "Oh no! What are we doing here!?" I told Jacob everything and he understood all of it. Me and Chris put on our costumes that we took before jumping in the portal. Jacob took off his hat and cloak and put on a fedora and black coat. He gave us all sunglasses and I felt pretty cool, all we needed now was an explosion in the backround. When we put them on and started walking slow motion style, an explosion came out of the portal and out came Bowser Jr. We hid behind a shop in the local boo village. The man there said "Ah hello young travelers. What would you like to buy?" I said "Nothing, we're just... Visiting." Pathetic old boo salesman said "Well if your tourists then you probably want to talk to the new Prince." Jacob pushed me and Chris out of his way and said "New Prince? How did he become the prince?" "Well our government of boos decided to let Baby Bowser be the new ruler because once Jacob left for that annoying Goomba and Koopa. Anyways, Bowser keeps this place running next to the King here. But because Bowser is busy at the moment, we couldn't have a King or Prince because King Boo retired, so we picked the little brat." A Boo knight appeared and the salesman said "I mean, the lovely Prince Koopa." We saw Jr walking to us so we went quickly to a different place, we had to slowly make our way to the castle. When we looked behind us to see if Jr was still coming we saw him talking to the salesman and the salesman pointed to us. Jr's gem became more red then purple. So we started running somewhere else. Jacob said "This way! To the castle!" We went inside the castle but it was different. It had lava pits, lava bars, and more Boo's then usual. I said" I know this level like the back of my non existing hand!" I jumped over all of the pits and firs bars with ease but I got to cocky. I tried doing a flip in the air but almost fell in the pit. Jacob and Chris said "What are we gonna do!?" I said" Ok sword, show me your moves." The sword's tip looked like it was on fire but then it boosted up! I said "Whoa! Was that a falcon punch in sword form!?" I landed on my feet and the sword went back to normal. I said "I connected with the sword." The sword started shining but then it stopped once we heard a huge slam. When we looked behind us we saw Jr with boo, bone Goomba, and dry bone guards behind him. I said "Chris, let's take off these disguises. We took off bone Goomba and Dry bone disguises and threw them in the lava. We gave the sunglasses to Jacob and he put back on his wizard stuff. We ran to the door and covered the door with everything that was in the room but we heard something charging outside, then a canon ball hit all of us to the ground! Bowser Jr started laughing and I said "Its one against three! Just give up now!" He said "I'm not alone anymore!" He snapped and I saw 7 other versions of him come from the shadows, then I realized... It was the Koopalings! Then 8 Koopa clown copters came from the sky and dropped in front of all of them. They all jumped into them and Jr said "Rush em!" They all charged at us and I said "Oh no! Run!" We ran to the thrown we hid behind the chair. 6 mini wrecking balls tried crushing us but we jumped just in time. I jumped on Jacob, Jacob floated up and helped Chris up. When we tried escaping 2 electric drills were coming out of their Koopa clown copters. We tried turning around but then then 2 mini wrecking balls were coming out if the clown copters, we were cournered! Jacob covered his eyes, Chris hid in his shell and I just stood there. When I looked up I saw a spiny shell falling from sky! When it fell in front of me Bowser Jr came out quickly and kicked me to the wall then went back in. When he went back in he went back in his shell and boosted to be. His shell was right on top of me now, I couldn't move. When he finally got off he took out his paintbrush and swung at me. He missed! I grabbed my sword and swung back, he jumped to his brothers and sister. He started laughing and said "You keep thinking that you'll be able to stop my awesomeness! Well best of luck with that!" I kicked Chris to Bowser Jr him and his brothers jumped but it hit Wendy Koopa. I got my sword ready and jumped to Jr. I did an air spin to knock all of his brothers out of the way. Me and Jr collided swords and started slashing at each other quickly. I saw Chris taking care of Morton Koopa Jr, Wendy. O. Koopa, Roy Koopa and Ludwig Von Koopa. Jacob taking care of Lemmy Koopa, Iggy Koopa, and Larry Koopa. While they took care of them I took care of Jr. I blocked one of his slashes and countered. Then we were slashing at each other and couldn't hit each other until he pulled a cheap move. Hit Koopa clown copter came behind me and got out it's punching gloves. Jr may have been the new Prince of the Ghost World but he's still idiotic. I jumped in the clown copter and put it in drive mode and crashed into him. We crashed into the wall and I flew off him and fire a few cannonballs. He jumped up and his eyes were red, the lava pits' fire was coming up around him. He shot it at me and it hit me to the wall. The lava hardened quickly and I couldn't move. The Koopa clown copter's drills broke it out and Jr jumped in it. I saw Chris and Jacob taking care of the last few of the Koopa kids. I yelled "Guys help!" They both took care of Ludwig and Jacob hit Chris to me while he was in his shell. When I got back on my feet Bowser Jr was looking at us. He said "My mom rulings shall not end here!" He got out his paintbrush and turned into shadow mario! The bane of all minions! He tried jumping in me and tried jumping on Chris. He looked at Jacob and he covered his eyes. He spun his paintbrush and 3 other shadow figures appered. Blue Toad, Princess Peach, and Green Mario well I guess now he would be blue Mario, wait never mind his name is Luigi apparently. Shadow Mario pointed at us and they all charged at us. I said "Guys I have a plan... Everyman for himself!" We tried running out the door but Shadow Luigi blocked it. When we looked up Blue Toad tried stomping us. The Princess started throwing turnips at us I sliced all of them besides one that hit Blue Toad. Shadow Mario tried slicing us with his paintbrush but Chris hid in his shell, Jacob covered his eyes and I was to short to hit. He cut down a pillar that hit Peach. That gave me an idea, I said "Guys use anything around you to your advantage!" I grabbed a shield off a soldier bone Goomba, Jacob grabbed an arrow and Chris grabbed a sword. Toad tried jumping on me but I used the bone Goomba's head as a helmet and blocked him off with the shield. Shadow Luigi shined a light at Jacob but Jacob shot the flash light out of Luigi's hand before he could die. The princess pelted Chris with turnips but he sliced all of them in to pieces. When she was out of turnips he said "Order up." I grabbed the turnips and put them over the lava pit's ledge. Shadow Mario whistled and the shadows came to him he said "Ok you 3 are better then I thought. But try handling this." I said "What kind of tyrant has this many minio-." Before I could finish there was a dark void forming in front of us that sucked us in. When we got there and woke up we saw Master and Crazy hand. I said "Why would we be here again? We had this battle in like the begging of the year." They just stood there then the ground started shaking when I saw what was happening I couldn't believe it. The final destination's platform was gone and we were all falling. We all landed in different places but when I woke up I wasn't familiar with this place. I heard Bowser Jr say "Beat this place and what hide in it, then come beat me! Kemek get my hot milk! I need all the energy I can get for this." I ran through the fortress and avoided all the obstacles and enemies in there. When we met up again in the middle of the course the ground started shaking again and we heard someone yelling in pain. Then the fortress became the Final Destination platform again. The strange voice said "You beat our fortress!? You 3 have given us enough trouble!" Jacob said "What do you mean? Who are you?" The voice made another screeching noise then when it stopped everything went quiet. When we all looked up we saw something amazing. The voice said "Here is our true form. We are the true gods of your world. Those Star Spirits and goddesses of Hyrule aren't as perfect as us in this form." It snapped and the ground started shaking, it said "Feel my power!" I said "Ok guys we have to take care of him, it's weak point must be it's head." Jacob went to the right arm and Chris went to the left arm. They both tried climbing it to get to the head but it swiped both them off and said "Why would you even do that? What would that have done?" I said "That sir is called a distraction!" He looked in front of him and I sliced him in the middle of his head. When I jumped off 7 stars appeared around him and the one with the white mustache said "Thank you heroes if the stars, well soon to be hero of the stars. We will take it from here. Tried yet again huh Master and Crazy hand?" They zapped the thing and both the hands came out of it! I said "Wait it was them!?" The stars nodded and disappeared with the hands. The ground whole again and a star void appeared under all of us and we all fell in. When we were somewhere else this time we were in... A play room? Bowser Jr was drinking his hot milk and said "Ah! Finally done! Now Kemek, power me up!" Kemek came in on his broom and shot a few square, circles, and triangles at Jr and he started growing and growing and growing! He jumped up and he destroyed the room besides the floor! He was in the backround, it was like the Yoshi Island boss! Bowser Jr kept jumping up and down and then he shot huge fireballs at us! When the fireball was coming we all jumped to another platform quickly. I said "There must be a way to hit him without using any Yoshi eggs,hmmm?" Jacob and Chris said "Lets deflect them by using our powers!" I said" Shut up both of you I'm thinking. I got it! We can hit them back by using our powers!" They both rolled their eyes and Chris said "Brilliant." Jacob said "I wonder how you came up with that." Jacob got ready then when Jr shot a huge fireball he jumped up and started a fire spin. He was trying to deflect the fireball and he did just in time! It hit Bowser Jr on the head and he started getting angrier! He shot another fireball and Chris got in his shell and hit the fireball back at him. Then a biggie all came to me. I tried deflecting it but it was to big. My sword started shining again and it shot it right back at Bowser Jr. When it hit them he was hit straight to us, while in the air he was shrinking back to normal size. When he hit the floor he said "Why... Can't... I... Ever... Win?" The crown dropped off his head and Jacob picked it up. He said "If we give this to anyone else then it will result into this day." I said "I know exactly who to give it to." Jacob and Chris said "Who?" Jacob picked up Jr and I brought them to the house. We had to stay in the Ghost World to do it though. We went to the castle and we went into the King room. I said "Um... King Boo?" He said "Who is I-. Oh it's you two and my son, and the new Prince." I said "Yeah, listen your gonna have to take this back. Your the only one who can handle it's power." He grabbed the crown and put it on and said "Well that I you but, watch your dreams." He disappeared and we all went back to the Mushroom Kingdom. We dropped Bowser Jr back at his house and went back home. His dad said "What's wrong with my son?!" Jr said "Daddy these bad bad minions beat me up!" "What?! Who did it?!" Chris walked away slowly and Jr said "Those two, the boo and Goomba!" "That's it detention for both of you!" Me and Jacob "What!?" But they shut the door so we went back home. I said "What do you think he means by "watch your dreams?" Jacob said "I don't know, what do you think those Star Spirits mean about "Heroes of the Stars?" I said "I don't know." That night the stars seemed to shine brighter then usual.

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