Chapter 12 "The Most Dangerous Game"

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Kai, Vatch and Numoc find themselves within a dropship, en route to the colonized tropical planet of Yab'qo, according to the console beside Kai. She looked at the icon with a smile under her helmet, lifting the visor to see it more clearly.

Kai; "Have you ever taken a vacation here, Numoc?"

Numoc glances to Kai from under her visor, grunting quietly.

Numoc; "I don't take vacations."

Kai; "You really should, especially here. I remember being a young hatchling, coming here with my parents and just basking in the morning suns."

Numoc scoffed quietly, smirking a little as she remembered that those memories were entirely fabricated mere days ago. Vatch looks to Kai with an almost maternal smile, resting a hand on her shoulder.

Vatch; "I'd love to trade stories of Yab'qo with you, Kai... But, after the mission. This Drekar needs to be delt with first and foremost."

Kai nods with a gentle smile before the lights in the dropship go out, and the trio walks for the door, Kai putting her visor back on. She glances to her barely visible reflection on her weapon, looking to Numocs' reflection and taking note that they both have purple eyes... But Vatch had green. Was green rare for a Lorinthian? Or was purple uncommon? If so, what are the chances that two Lorinthians with purple eyes would get put in the same room? She wouldn't have long to ponder on these questions.

The door lowers to reveal a beautiful, picturesque scene of an island paradise, interrupted by a massive silver and blue Drekar hovering over the opposite end of the island. The storm it produced spread to over the oceans, the waters boiling around it. The three ran towards the closest of many bunkers, Kai doing her best not to stare at the scenery, being brought back to reality every other time a Neth on the ground shot at her with weapons made from Lorinthian bones. Inside the bunker, they find R'tas tending to a stab wound in his leg.

Kai; "Oh my goodness! Are you ok, R'tas?!"

R'tas; "I'm fine, Kai'don. I'd be more worried about the planet. I don't know if you noticed, but the oceans are being boiled away."

Vatch goes to a console and presses a couple buttons, bringing up a holographic projection of the planet.

Vatch; "Volcanic activity is on the rise also... No way a Lorinthian could live here if this keeps up."

R'tas groans quietly in pain as he cauterizes his wound with the torch he uses to light his cigars, looking up at the three shortly after.

R'tas; "You three go ahead to the Drekar. Reinforcements are on standby, and I can call in a Neutron KKV strike as a last resort. Just get to that damned ship and blow it to kingdom come."

He hauls out a suitcase-sized device from under his seat and hands it to Numoc, who mounts it on her back.

Kai; "What's that for?"

R'tas; "Dampening field generator; Should keep the Drekar from forming Neth on the inside, but mainly it goes nuclear if you tamper with it."

Kai; "W-wait, have we even attempted to make contact?"

Numoc; "What's it matter? Not like they'd listen."

Kai; "We won't know unless we try!"

R'tas grunts and sits upright, taking a puff of the cigar he'd left on a nearby shelf.

R'tas; "Your orders are to kill the Drekar, not make friends with it, Kai'don."

Vatch; "He's right, Kai... I'm sorry."

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