Chapter 1 "Cacophony"

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Kal laid on the floor of her workshop under a large heating lamp on her stomach, her goggles on her forehead. Quav was laying on the couch, one leg hanging off and a hand over his face. Kal awakens when the light comes through ever so slightly through the blinds of her shop, getting over her eyes a bit. She opens her eyes, her reptillian eye slits slowly opening as she rolls onto her side, gazing upon Quav with a grumpy huff. She brings herself to her knees and rubs her face before standing up, grabbing a scarf off from one of the tables, made from Hessian cloth. She picks the revolver from last night off the top of the lathe and holsters it, walking quietly to a back room.

She puts on her goggles and pulls the scarf over her mouth, putting 6 rounds in the revolver and pocketing a fistful more as she looked around the room. There were several mannequins with broken weapons and riddled with bullet holes, laser pointers affixed to the barrels. Some were on tracks, some were on swivels and some were stationary. She took a deep breath and pressed a button on the wall. She ducked as a bright purple laser was emitted from the closest mannequin, and she fired a round into it. She strangled another and shot at two others before kicking an unseen mannequin behind her and firing off three rounds into it.

Moving through the crowd like water through rocks, she elbowed and kicked her way through a couple more before quickly opening the revolver, dumping the shells and inserting another 6 bullets before pistol whipping one of the mannequins. She leaps up and jumps off the shoulders of one of them before fanning the hammer into 6 others. She rolls to her feet and reloads again before dodging another laser and firing on three mannequins, firing one shot behind her over her shoulder into an unseen mannequin.

She looks at the crowd from the back of the room before she felt a sharp pain in her side. One of the mannequin lasers hit her in the hip, leaving a bit of black, burnt scale and flesh there. She groans and pulls down her scarf, examining the wound as she hears the door to the backroom creak open. She aims the revolver as she locks eyes with Quav, whom puts his hands up, eyes wide.

Quav; "T-that was awesome!"

Kal sighs and holsters the weapon, adjusting her goggles.

Kal; "I got singed, I don't know what's awesome about that."

Quav; "No! I-I mean the way you fight! I've never seen anyone do that before!"

Kal walks past him, bumping his shoulder and he follows her.

Quav; "D-do you do that for all your weapons?"

Kal; "What's it matter?"

She unholsters the weapon and sets it in a showcase box along with a sword and small missile launcher.

Quav; "How can you not think that's incredible?"

Kal; "Anyone could do that with enough practice."

Quav; "Oh, c'mon! Can't'cha take a compliment?"

She freezes upon hearing the last sentence, as if something clicked in her head. She clenches both her hands to fists, looking down a bit as she mumbled to herself.

Kal; "Get out."

Quav; "Wha-... Excuse me?"

Kal; "Get out!"

She pushed Quav away with both hands, knocking him off his feet and onto the heating lamp in the middle of the shop. He groans in pain and looks at Kal with fearful eyes as he sits up, holding his back and pulling a shard of plastic out of his side. He proceeded to briskly walk for the door, holding a hand over the wound in his side. Kal watched him the whole time, her eyes squinted under the goggles as he left the shop. She locked the door and grasped a pistol off a mount on the wall, a label on it that says "particle-beam". She makes her way to the back room once more, while outside Quav had gotten a first aid kit out of his speeder and had bandaged himself up after being impaled by the lamp earlier, even cauterizing the wound.

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