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Vulcanalia; "Hold onto something!"

Vulcanalia swings her right hand to the left, as if she were pushing something along a countertop, her hand brimming with bright purple energy. She opened her eyes and let out a shaky exhale, whipping her right arm and flexing her fingers, all the while groaning quietly as if they ached. She heard a voice call to her from behind.

"Vulcanalia, goddess of armaments."

She sighed softly and turned to face the courtroom door behind herself. She opened the door to reveal a courtroom made from crystal and stone. The judge was a dark, hooded figure holding a scythe; not some farmers' scythe, but a true warriors' scythe. He turns the blade on its' side and slams it down onto the desk before him with a clang.

"Order in the court."

Vulcanalia; "Mortus... Your honor, please, I can explain."

The hooded figure removed his hood, his face revealed to be a bald humanoids' with a cage of jagged bone around his mouth. His voice was deep and menacing, but at the same time paternal and stern.

Mortus; "You can try to justify it all you want, it doesn't change the fact you broke the law."

Vulcanalia; "I think it very well should."

Mortus; "It explicitly states in the Natural Flow Act that we're only to indirectly interfere with the affairs of Mortals... Then there you go materializing in their world far beyond the point of technologication. Several times, might I add."

Vulcanalia; "They needed me, Mortus."

Mortus; "Did they need you to lead a search and rescue operation for the Acolyte you were supposed to be responsible for?"

Vulcanalia; "They never knew it was me! I had a perfect disguise!"

Mortus; "You broke the law, and that's final!"

He took a deep breath to calm himself.

Mortus; "Whether or not you plead guilty determines your sentence, Vulcanalia."

She straightened her posture, looking Mortus dead in the eyes.

Vulcanalia; "Trespassing in Mortalis? Guilty as charged."

Mortus shook his head in disappointment and prepared to whack his scythe on the desk as a gavel once more.

Mortus; "Vulcanalia, goddess of armaments... I, Mortus, Render of Judgement, sentence you to banishment from the Primordium."

With the whacking sound of metal on wood, Vulcanalia hung her head low and walked out of the courtroom, towards a large metal cube with purple highlights. A shadow black figure stood on the ramp with piercing white eyes.

Vulcanalia; "Kuro, set course for Limbo."

The dark figure spoke with a voice that sounded like a whisper, raspy and hushed.

Kuro; "Yes, goddess."

The cube lifted off and faded away. Vulcanalia made her way to a room akin to the bridge of a mighty battleship, scanning the horizon... Or lack thereof. The absolute dark void is only interrupted occasionally by massive soccer-ball shaped spheres... Until something else showed up.

The room filled with the whispers of some eldritch language. The air gained a slight magenta haze, and Vulcanalia glimpsed the form of some terrible, aquatic creature adrift in the space before them.

Vulcanalia; "What... Is that?"

Kuro; "Unknown... Just seems like refuse, lost in the wind..."

Vulcanalia took note that Kuro repeated a portion of the whispers.

Vulcanalia; "Interesting choice of words... Whatever it is, someone damaged it. I think that's a tooth floating around up there."

She pointed to a massive mountain of alabaster floating above its' head. Relative to its' head, it could most definitely be a tooth.

Kuro; "Potentially... It might be worth bringing on board to study."

Vulcanalia held concern with how eager he was to get closer to it, but simply shrugged.

Vulcanalia; "Alright... I'm looking at it first, though. For your safety."

Pictured is the Scythe of Mortus, a historically accurate war scythe

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