2| Early

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There's two parts to chapter 2

Alexander^^^^^^ if you don't like him then choose any guy with hazel eyes and long brown hair, he has to be Caucasian.

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Name: Harley Dior Black
Age: 18
Progress: We didn't make any progress my patient wouldn't tell me how he felt.

He would always ignore the questions I asked him.

What I gathered is that he thinks there's nothing wrong with himself and that he doesn't care.

This is Ms. brook's signing of Harley's case.

He might be a tough one to crack but I think I can handle it.

I don't give up that easily he might not be that bad.

Harley's POV:

I groaned and squinted as the sun blinded me from my spot on the bed, I then remembered I didn't close them yesterday.

I was not fully woken up yet so I stared at the wall for a good five minutes.

I really didn't have the motivation to get up and do anything today but, I have to go to therapy two times a week according to my mom.

Groaning again I took the cover off of me but immediately threw it back over me.

Why is it so cold this early in the morning, New York weather better get they shit together otherwise its gon' be some problem.

I carefully got out of bed still getting used to the coldness, I speed walked quietly to my bathroom and tried to pee as quietly as possible trying not to wake the ticking time bomb.

I turned the shower on while I was in there then stripped out of my clothes, I hopped in the shower and quickly washed my body not trying to be here longer then I have to be.

I got out the shower and dried my body off putting on deodorant and brushing my teeth, once again I hurriedly but quietly rushed to my closet and picked an outfit I wanted to wear for the day.

I got out the shower and dried my body off putting on deodorant and brushing my teeth, once again I hurriedly but quietly rushed to my closet and picked an outfit I wanted to wear for the day

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

I grabbed my key's and bolted out my room, and out the door making sure to lock it behind me.

I didn't eat anything but I have a few dollars I could spend on some food, plus it's not like there's any food in the house anyways.

Tonya -my mom- used to make me pay for the bills with the small amount of money I had from my grandma.

My grandma left me 2,000 dollars but my mother made me spend it all, and I'm able to get her will she left me but I don't want to get it then have it took away from me by the wicked witch of the west.

As I was walking to McDonalds I got those familiar glares and camera lights, at this point I don't even give two fuck's and a shit.

By now I'm used to this, It's a every day thing so I might just ignore it until it dies down.

Come on let me take over and I'll get the stares to stop.

He spoke without permission again.

No and stop speaking it's annoying.

I ignored whatever nonsense he was saying after that, at the moment he's not important.

As I got closer to to McDonalds more people stared and it was starting to get on my last nerves.

But at this point I'm not trying to get anymore attention on myself then it already is.

I entered McDonalds and got in the small line, some people backed away from me like I had a disease.

They don't know that there action's are slowly causing me to make this my 13th reason, but will I be telling them that?

fuck no.

I looked up at the menu and decided I wanted the bacon, egg and cheese Mcgriddle and some apple juice.

Don't judge my choice of juice okay, I'm a kid at heart and that's not gonna change.

As it was my turn I tried to tell the employee what I wanted, and watched as her face turned to one with disgust.

She told me to wait one second then left to go somewhere else.

She came back and put on a fake ass smile that I would like to smack the fuck off her face.

" I'm sorry sir we can not serve you right now so please leave have a good day" she said with another big smile making me glare at her, just because I killed someone doesn't mean you can't physically serve food to me.

"whatever I'll just go to Starbucks they're better anyway" she made a face before smiling with that fake smile of hers making me smile back.

I know I'm being petty but that's not my fault she started it, if she would have gave me my food then maybe I would be nice but her fake smile ruined it.

I turned and walked out of McDonald's with a scowl on my face.

Now I didn't even feel like eating, my mood had went down dramatically.

I walk to the familiar tall intimidating building and nodded at the security guard.

"Hello Miss Williams" I called to the secretary she smiled at me and looked at the clock on the wall.

"You're really early today," she spoke with a look of shock on her face, Miss Williams knew what was going on in my life I talk to her a lot and she was basically the only person I would tell my secrets except for my grandma.

"I know I'm early, but what time is it I didn't think it was that early" I said my voice laced with confusion I really didn't know what time it was.

"It's 9 AM you're really early, your session doesn't start until 10" she spoke giving me a smile. She turned back to her computer and typed away.

I turned away from her desk and went to the waiting room where I'll be waiting for the next hour.

It's not like I had something to do I just didn't want to wait here, my ass would start hurting.








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