4| Little Prince

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Sorry for any mistakes

Worst by -jhene Aiko

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"What happened" he asked softly, it was like he wasn't trying to push me he just wanted to know and try to help but I don't want help.

"Nothing but I have to go, bye Mr. Luciano" I said sadly and started walking to the door.

"Wait, wait I'm going to give you my number just in case you ever need anything" he wrote his number down on a peace of paper and gave it to me making me smile a little.

"Thank you for listening" I spoke again and took the piece of paper stuffing it in my pocket so it wouldn't go bye bye.

I left out the office and out the tall building maybe for the last time, I'm so aggravated with this bitch.

Harley's POV:

I've decided I was gonna call Mr. Luciano, because I missed him.

How could you possibly be missing him? You've only known him for 2 days. Maybe one.

Yes I missed the person I've only known for a day but that doesn't matter.

Last night I sleep in the treehouse behind My grandma's house, because I didn't have nowhere else to go.

But today I'm gonna go go through my window which was open, if Tonya knew that I was there she might just beat me and I didn't want that.

But today I know she's out and my window isn't locked, I have at least 5 hour's to get my stuff and go.

I climbed out of the tree and ran while crouching slightly.

I climbed up the latter that was under my window and opened it, Sighing in relief I climbed through the window.

Softly landing on the black rug in my room and quickly ran around my room Grabbing clothes and packing it into my duffle bag.

I ran out my room and to my moms room, I saw that everything was there so I knew she wasn't moving out.

I grabbed my phone out of her drawer and ran back to my room grabbing my duffle bag.

I grabbed my charger and lifted my mattress seeing all the money I have been saving.

I opened my duffle bag again and stuffed the money in there which was about 800 hundred dollars.

I looked around my room one last time and hurriedly climb down the ladder with more trouble then before because of the added weight.

I ran far away from my home, the place I've known since I was a toddler and it was kind of depressing that I was about to cry over that.

No, I wasn't crying because I will miss it, I was crying because that place had so much bad memory's, memory's of me on the floor crying my eyes out.

Memory's of me getting raped by most of my moms boyfriends.

Memory's of me yelling out to my mom hoping she would help me and not stand there looking selfish.

Memory's of all of our arguments and shouting.

And memory's of me crying myself to sleep at night because I couldn't live with peace.

And most importantly, memories of my grandma and how she used to take care of me before my mother happened. Fuck her. She ruined everything.

Stopping at a diner that was nearby I walked in hearing the bell at the top ding.

I sat in a booth and plugged my phone up watching as it turned on, then my phone started to ding really fast, some from TikTok, Snapchat, Instagram and Facebook.

As I read some of the messages my eyes actually started watering for once, these comments where degrading and disgust.

Some people where telling me to die and and I shouldn't have been born.

I wonder if they knew that there words where slowly getting to me.

I might just end it all, I have no one to live for really.

I just deleted the comments and apps, grabbing the paper out of my pocket, I didn't really want to call anyone but I did want to call him.

I sighed defeatedly and dialed the phone number, as It rung my hand started to shake and sweat.

Why was I nervous? There was nothing to be nervous about....right?

It is something to be nervous about, your about to talk to a walking sex go-.

"Hello?" A voice cut of my inner voice making me immediately answer back.

"Oh yeah s-sorry it's Harley, I'm sorry for calling you so late b-but I just wanted to ask for a favor and I'll pay you back." why the duck did I start stuttering, I hate stuttering.

It makes me look like a pussy. Oh yeah did I mention It's like 10:00 at night? No well, oh well.

"Oh hey Harley um what is this favor that you ask for?" He teased me making me pout, what the actual fuck?

I don't pout or whine so why-nvm cause I seem to do a lot of stuff I don't do now and days.

"U-U'm can you come get me pleaseeee" I dragged out hoping he would say yes, I wouldn't admit this but I wanted to be close to him.

I hope that doesn't sound selfish.

"Sure little prince where are you" he said not even thinking about it first, I then heard some shuffling on the other side.

"Um I'll send you the location, thank you so much" I said with so much happiness I could puke but not right now of course.

We ain't go skip over the fact that he just called you little prince right?

Shit I didn't even notice, I was over here excited that I get to see him again.

"Okay little prince I'll see you in a bit" I blushed at his words and said a quick goodbye and hung up.

I sent him the location and stared out the window as people slowly left the diner.

I didn't even know how long I was looking out the window but the bell dinged again making me look at the person.

Hey little Dino's it's mother Dino here....


Alexander calling Harley pet names?

Tonya? (Harleys mom)

This chapter was short I know but the next on will be a lot longer.....

Bye bye mother Dino out.

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