-Chap. 1-

24 1 2

November 23, 2281. 7:03pm

"John! Will you quit touching shit, shoo! Go outside!" 

 James. John's older brother yelled, shoving John a bit. John smirked.

 "Aight fine, later bro" he said as he walked out the shack, going down to the main floor. He took a deep breath in.

Aaah, Diamond City air. The smell of dirty clothes and muddy roads and mutfruit. Yea, this was the place John had too call home. It wasn't all bad to say the least, definitely wasn't perfect, but nothing in the commonwealth was perfect.

The Commonwealth. It was a fun story really. After the bombs feel in 2077, the world became a nuclear mess. 

John walked down the old stairs by his house, going down into the real town. He had heard they let a synth stay in Diamond city. A detective synth actually, and John wanted to see how this guy was. 

John walked with a whistle, hands in his pockets. He went to where he knew the detective should've been, and tried to walk inside, but noticed the door was locked. He looked around, then crouched down, taking Lockpicks out his pockets. And easily began to work with the door handle. 

When he heard the click, he twisted the handle and walked in, putting the picks in his pocket. He hummed and shut the door behind him. A fresh smell of.. Metallic but a mix of mutfruit filled the air. He switched a light switch and looked around. Two desks, one full of papers and the other was empty. John walked away and went up a pair of old stairs and saw a bed. He walked over to it, fingertips touching lightly on the mattress. "No one's home then.." He muttered, and went to walk away. As he went downstairs he heard the door handle jingle. 

In a short second, he scrambled quickly, turning off the lights and headed back upstairs. He cursed himself when he knocked something over as the door opened. 'not the best way to get caught by a detective.' He thought as he leaned against the wall, just around the corner where he could see the bed. 

When the door shut with an easy click and the lights came on, John Tried slowing his breath. 'really wish I had my chems ' he thought with a mental sigh. He could hear footsteps below him, getting closer to the stairs until they stopped. 

"Look pal, if you're there, which you are because there's only one way in, come out and you won't get hurt." A voice said, a metallic voice. Must've been the synth, Nick. 

John wanted to have fun and stay hidden but then he sighed, and stepped down the stairs slowly, keeping one hand on the switch blade in his pocket. He eyes the detective and grinned. "Just came in to see if you were here, door was unlocked" god, he was so bad at lying, he knew that.

Nick rolled his eyes but kept his gun aimed. "Yea, sure kid, but the lights were off either way so" 

"Fine, ya caught me. I did come here to see you though, buut I tried to snoop, then you came here and surprised me, sorry bout that, I'm a troublemaker you see, my kinda style" John grinned more, teeth showing. 

Nick tensed a little. "Listen kid, I'll lower my gun and put it away, but I'd appreciate it if you gave me that switch blade." 

John, again, wanted to have fun and not do it, but he mentally contemplated and handed it over, and Nick did indeed lower his gun and put it away. "So, troublemaker huh?"

"Yup, my kinda game yknow? With the way the world is everyone is such a hardass, me? I like to have fun" 

 "Your definition of Fun is what exactly?"

"Yknow, bringing harm to people who deserve it, trespassing, selling and using chems" John sat on one of the stairs as Nick leaned back against the wall, then, he looked when he heard a thud beside him. His switch blade. He picked it up and eyed Nick. Nick just shrugged. "And, I'm pretty good with a knife, if you ever need a hand in combat, I'm here" John put on a lazy smile, his head cocked to a side. He looked.. Calm at least. 

November 23, 2281. 9:35pm

John and Nick had been talking about what they enjoyed doing, John asked questions about Nick, Nick asked questions about John, it kinda just went smoothly like that. 

John took out his switchblade in the middle of talking and cleaned out the dirt from his nails. Nick watched and have a unappreciative sigh. "I hope that doesn't hurt" 

John looked at him. "What, this? Naaah, I've been stabbed in the stomach before, nothing hurts compared to that."

"Wait a minute, what?" Nicks golden eyes widened a bit. John smirked.

"It was after curfew hours, me and this kid got into a fight an he pulled out a blade on me, it was before I had this baby though, and he stabbed me in the stomach. Lucky for me I knew where Doctor sun lived and went banging on his door holdin the wound to stop the bleeding. Had to threaten the fucker though. told em if he didn't help me I would kill him with my bare fuckin hands before I died. He patches me up, tells me it wasn't deep enough to hurt an important organ, and then gave me med-x and I passed the Fuck out, woke up in my house. 

"Ma wasn't too happy bout it, dad didn't care and my brother didn't care either. "

The smirk John had would've made Nick shiver if he could. His teeth were showing and he looked..wild honestly. Then John looked at Nick, and grabbed a cigarette from him. "Im not a kid by the way" he mutters as the lights the cig, and takes a long drag of it, blowing the smoke out in a heavy breath. 

"You look young, like your 18" 

"Close, 'm 19. " 

"Jeez kid, what the hell are you, a nineteen year old boy, being a troublemaker for?" 

"Well, My dad and brother are both into mayoral duties, ma drinks, I aint gotta explain myself to you"

"Hmm, it's the classic 'i don't get enough attention at home so I get into alot of trouble' story. I know it" 

John just rolled His eyes and took another drag of his cigarette, "listen bud, I aint a kid, but I do like you calling me that. Do it some more"

Nick rolled his eyes and sat down at one of his desks. "Stay if you want, might keep me entertained while I'm doing paper work" 

John got up and walked over and sat on the desk, making sure not to be in the way. "Aight. Don't blame me if I get annoying though." 

Nick looked at him with a gentle scoff. "Listen kid, most people don't talk to me unless it's for a case because of me being a Synth. So you won't get annoying, not that easily anyways." 

John looked at him and leaned in a bit, smirking. "We'll see about that" 

November 23, 2281. 11:45pm 

John had been showing Nick how good he was with his knife. And there were many times that Nick felt The tip of the blade brush against his wires that had been exposed. John was Small and quick. He could easily run and hide, but if he wanted to fight, he'd be there in the fight. It was almost admiral to Nick, that he'd be reckless like that for what he called "fun". 

John stood up and looked at the time. "Aww I'm sorry Nicky, I gotta go" 

Nick looked at him. "Don't get caught, curfew hours already started" 

John just looked at him with that fucking smirk. "C'mon Nicky, you know me by now, do I Really seem like the type to get caught?"

"Not Necessarily kid, but still." 

" I'll be fine, thanks for not tossing me out. I'll be back soon probably, See ya Nicky" 

John closes his switchblade but kept it in hand as he went to the door and walked out. Nick got up and locked the door after Him. "Yea.. Come back soon" he muttered quietly to himself. 


.Gone but never forgotten.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora