-Chap. 5-

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December 12, 2281. 6:45am

John walked outside his house quietly and stumbled a little, cursing at himself. He hasn't done well at getting good sleep so he was somewhat losing his mind. He hasn't seen the detective since the 10th, it's been 2days and he was already a mess. He hated that he felt so goddamn attached to Nick. But Nick made him feel secure and safe..

John sighs out loud and goes to Nicks place, picking the lock and going inside, shutting the door with his foot. There was no one for him to worry about, so he was gonna be as loud as he could be.

He walked over to Nicks bed and laid down, laying face first. One foot hung lightly off the bed. He sighed and closed his eyes. He would fall asleep here and feel safe, as if he was with Nick again..

December 19th, 2281. 12:45am

John laid awake in his bed. He was tired and exhausted and so.. Just, tired really. 9days of being lonely. 9. Days.

He hasn't felt so alone since before he even met Nick, which wasn't that long ago but for him, this was a nightmare. He needed to get blackout high, and soon.

December 23rd, 2281. 2:33pm

John roamed around Diamond city, hands in his pocket as he looked down most of the time. Fuuck. He was seriously lonely. He sighed and sat on a bench, looked around. His mind in was a buzz of emotions. But when he saw a brown trench coat his eyes focused.


Nick was back.

Nick was talking to a residence, a smile on his synthetic lips, his golden eyes shining against the sunlight. Nick looked..great. John stayed where he was and watched.

Nick waved and went and walked away, keeping his gaze forward as he went to his place of living. John wanted to stand up, wanted to walk over to him, but he stayed still, remembering the last thing Nick said before he left.

I'll visit when I come back, I promise

John decided he'd wait it out. He wouldn't be a pester and he'd wait it out. He would.

December 24th, 2282. 12:32am

John had drank an entire bottle of whiskey before he angrily when down his stairs outside, and stumbled halfway, falling down a bit. He groaned to himself but picked himself up and went to Nicks. The door wasn't locked so he walked in and shut the door hardly.

Nicks eyes shot open, his reboot system interrupted. "John?"

John looked at Nick. "Hi Nick.. Back I see"

"Yea I just-"

"You got back at 2:35. Today. You didn't just get back, you didn't do anything but say hellooo to everyone else!" John looked at him.

" John.. I told you-"

"For 12 days. Nothing. 12. Days. Then you get back and ignore me and my existence! What if you were hurt Nicky?! What then! You can't just..be gone for 12days..." John dropped his gaze, his fingers tapping lightly in the door behind him.

Nick stood up and walked over to John. John instantly leaned back against the door, looking up at Nick.

"I'm sorry John, I didn't realize my absence had an effect on you.." Nick reached out, his hand brushing over John's cheek. "Next time I'll make sure that you're the first person I talk to okay doll?"

John looked at him and nodded. "Doll huh.? Cute.. I like it.." He smiled lightly, putting his hand over nicks waist.

Nick smiles his signature soft smile and then went to pull away but John's hand tightened so he could stay. "Don't go Nicky..not yet.."

"Not goin anywhere doll" Nick said softly, putting his hands on John's hips.

John looked at him, then without warning he leaned up, pressing his lips against Nicks. What really surprised him was that Nick kisses him back. They stayed in that kiss for a bit before Nick pulled away. He smiled lightly and then kissed Johns head.

"So, what do we do now doll?"

" we enjoy each other's company! "

"Sounds good hun"


John groaned when he woke up. His head was hurting and his fingers felt numb. He rolled over in bed and blinked slowly, noticing he wasn't in his room. That's when the events of last night hit him. He slowly sat up and looked around, not seeing Nick. He sighed and stretched, cracking his knuckles then his neck. He stood up and walked out into the main room, seeing a note.

I'm out shopping in town, come out when you're ready, love you John -V

John smiled lightly and put on his shoes. He shook his head, his hair falling into waves over his shoulders. He grabbed his switchblade off the table and walked outside, slipping the blade into his pocket. He walked over to the trading center.

He looked at the sky, smiling at the bright sunlight. He hummed and looked around, a glint of brown trench coat catching his eyes. He looked over and smiled, noticing it was Nick.

He smiles softly. God, he loved that synthetic man..

He loved the way that Nick would smirk at anything he found amusing. He loved it when Nick looked calm and his eyes half lidded. He loved the way that Nick would reject the residents that were a little bit.. Too friendly. He was so happy to be friends with him, to have fallen for him. He was so lucky. John walked over to Nick and the trader he was with.

"What's on the menu today Myrna?"

" Odds and ends, just don't call it junk.. " Myrna said, looking at John.

"Wouldn't dream of it sweetheart, say, you wouldn't happen to have a few screws would you?"

Myrna paused for a moment, then she moved and grabbed a pack of screws from the shelf behind her. "I only have this, for 40caps you can have it"

John dug around in his pocket, then looked at Nick and batted his eyes. "Nicky,, I'm out of caps,, and I need the screws so can you pleeaasee buy em for me? " he asked and smiled when Nick rolled his eyes.

"Fine fine, here myrna." Nick said as he handed over the caps. Myrna gave John the screws and John smiled.

"Thank you sweetheart, you're the best Myrna!" He said and walked away, knowing Nick was following.

He looked at him and smiled softly. "And thank you Nicky, you're very helpful"

Nick just hummed as a response and smiled lightly.

(Shooort chapter I know but I've been tired lmao, anyways, whose ready for some shit to go down 👀)

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