-Chap. 3-

21 1 1

December 5, 2281. 12:36pm

John sat outside, laying in the grass, in the sun. He was playing with his switchblade, having his eyes closed. The heat felt good, and it was rare to have a perfect sunny day in the Commonwealth. John closes his knife and puts it away, keeping his eyes closed so he can enjoy the heat as much as possible. Plus, it was better than being back at home. He'd take this over home any day.

When the light darkens and he heard footsteps he groans but doesn't open his eyes. "Blockin my light man." He mutters

"Sorry Kid, thought maybe you would like to do a case with me?" Nick said, and John opened his eyes and sat up. 

"Sit and tell me about it then, I wanna stay in the sun"

Nick sits down carefully and grabs his pack of cigs and offers one to John, who just nods no this time, so Nick shrugs and puts them away. "Missing girl, 16, names Abby Tucker, she got into a fight with her mother over in covenant" 

"Covenant aye? Heard that place is sketchy." 

"could be, but we gotta check it out either way right?" 

John hums and gets up. "Aight, let's go then, I'm ready to get a move on. We need to stop by Good-Neighbor though." 

 " According to my logic, that would add an extra 2hours to our-"

 "Did I stutter? If you want me to tag along I need to go near there" 

Nick huffs and nods. "Alright then kid, let's get a move on then" 

December 5, 2281. 2:35pm

John walks near Good-Neighbor, and then crouches a few feet away and moves some rubble around, opening a secret grate in the ground, and he hops down. Nick stays and keeps watch. 2 minutes later John comes back out and shakes the dirt out of his hair. "Aight, lead the way to Covenant." He says as he recovers the hole. 

Nick simply nods and leads the way. John follows quietly behind, he's been in a daze all day. John pulls out his switchblade and messes with it, tossing it up in the air and catching the blade between his fingers. God, what he'd give for a distraction right now. 

Just as he wished, he looked up hearing something. 

"Target acquired." 

" Nick move! " he says as he tackles Nick behind a busted down car. Fucking rogue synths. He hated these things, but this isn't the first time he had to fight them. And they were pretty stupid. "Distract them." John hisses as he moves quickly behind another Car, away from Nick. Nick looks at him, but then grabs his gun and starts to shoot at the synths. Theres exactly three. John moves quickly behind another Car, as Nick easily gets two synths down, not dead, but down. 

John jumps over the car he's behind and tackles the only standing Synth. He takes his blade, and cut at its wires, then, he twists the head and pulls it off, having a wild smirk. The body twitches, and John grips the head tightly in his hands.

If Nick could shiver, he would've. John looks so deadly. 

John takes the head and stands, and throws it hard against the wall. Then he walks over to one of the other synths and stabs it so it dies completely, as Nick shoots the other. John puts his knife away and look up at Nick. "Teamwork" he says and he puts on a lazy smile. Nick returns a small smile of his own. 

"Good job kid, but maybe learn to use a gun, might be better for you" 

John scoffs playfully and starts walking. " Sure sure, I'll learn to use a gun when we find a Gun I like. Like maybe a combat shotgun, those are always cool. " 

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