Part 4: Traitor

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Warning: long chapter

Katie's POV

I don't see Carrie for the rest of the day. I didn't want to see her anyways. How could she say that to me? Yeah Carrie didn't deserve to get her spot taken, and she deserved it more than me, but I thought she supported me. I guess I was wrong.

My phone beeps and I get a text from Julie. I thought she'd never want to talk to me again because I was friends with Carrie. I guess was wrong.

Julie: I know you can see the boys. I know that you know they're ghosts....

Julie: Want to join the band?

I can't believe it. She wanted me to join the band? But I couldn't sing, especially not nearly as good as she.

Me: But I can't sing

Julie: I've heard you sing. You are good. And if you don't want to sing you could always play one of the many instruments you know how to play

Me: you really want me in your band? I thought you hated me

Julie: I'm the one that made you chose between me and Carrie, I shouldn't have done that. Besides, I miss you

Me: so, we're friends again?

Julie: yeah, friends

Me: okay...yeah I'll join the band.

Julie: wanna come over and rehearse?

Me: yeah, sure

Julie: see you in a little bit then

I was so happy to be friends with Julie again, especially after what happened with Carrie today.

I grab my gutair to take over for rehearsal. Maybe I'd consider singing some back up vocals.

I get to her house and her dad says she's in the studio. It's been forever since I have been in there.

"Katie hey." Flynn said as we meet o the way. "Julie told me you were joining the band."

"Yeah, I'm a little nervous." I said.

"Don't be, you are so talented." Flynn said. It was good to be friends again, it just felt so weird without Carrie. The four of us used to insepertable.

We walk into the studio and Flynn smiles at Julie. "Dance news!" She said. "I don't have a date, but I'm so physced to see you guys perform.

"Aw man, we're playing a dance?" Alex sighed.

"Over course dude. That's how we make a following nowadays." Luke said. Reggie smiled and waved at me, to which I smiled back.

"Yeah get with the program Alex." Julie said.

"What? The guys are here?" Flynn said. "Hey guys." She waved in the wrong direction.

"Other way sweetie." Julie said. Flynn turned around and waved at the guys and Alex and Reggie waved back.

"Oh, so guys, Katie is going to be joining our band." Julie said.

"Sweet." Reggie said. "You play guitar?" He asked looking at the case I was carrying.

"Oh she plays almost every instrument." Flynn said. "Gutair, trumpet, saxophone, drums, clarinet-"

"I think they get the point." I inturupted Flynn. I didn't want their expectations of my to raise too high, and I didn't want to seem to perfect either.

"Okay well now that Alex has graced us with his presence, can we get to working?" Luke asked.

"Yes." Julie said. "Flynn, we're going to reherse wanna stick around?"

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