Part 6: Betrayal

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Carrie's POV

It was well past nine and Julie's band still hasn't performed. I keep asking Nick if we can just leave already, but he refuses.

He left to go get a drink, leaving me alone. I knew he wasn't going to go get a drink, he just wanted to talk to Julie back stage.

I looked at my phone to check the time. It was now eleven o'clock and Julie's band still hasn't played yet. I was getting tired of waiting and was just about to text my dad to come get me when Nick ran out on stage.

"Hey everbody!" He shouted. "We fixed the hologram thing! Who wants to see a show!?"

The crowd cheered and Nick beckoned Julie onto the stage. Julie nervously stepped out onto the stage.

"Now give it up, for Julie and the Phatoms!" He yelled. The crowd cheered and clapped. Finally the waiting was done. We'd see the show and Nick would take me home and I can forget this night ever happened.

"Uh...hi." Julie said into the microphone. "So here's the thing...even though we fixed the mechanic, thanks to Nick-"

The crowd cut her off, cheering for Nick.

"Way to go Nick!" Someone called.

"I can't seem to link up with the guys." Julie said. "WiFi, am I right? I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to cancel."

The crowd sighed in dissapointment and some even started to leave. I saw this as an opportunity to steal the show from her for once. If I was going to waste me night here, than I wasn't going to let it be for nothing.

I walk up to the stage, putting on my classic diva persona. "Um... anybody know the heimlich, Julie's chocking?" I said. The students in the crowd laugh, giving me some sense of satisfaction. I don't know what it is, but when I get people's attention, it's almost like it's filling the hole left from the attention I lack from my father.

Flynn scoffed at me, rolling her eyes as I look over at them.

"Only one way to save this dance." I say to them. I turn back to the crowd. "Who wants to see Dirty Candy?" I shout. The crowd cheers, and my lips curve into a smile. Finally for once I will be able to have one thing where Julie won't be able to top me. One night were I'm what everyone's talking about. But my smile fades when Flynn breaks the nob off the DJ board, rendering it useless to play a soundtrack.

"Oops, nobs broken." She said.

The crowd gasped, and someone said,

"Did she just do that?"

"Okay. Two can play at this game." I said trying to think of a good rebound. Dirty Candy was one of the only things I had, what else could I do? Then I got an idea. "Party at my house!" I shout. The last thing I wanted was to drag the dance on longer, but I needed to do something.

I walk down the steps, holding my hand out for Nick. He looks up at Julie and Flynn before heading off with the crowd to my house.

"We need to talk." Nick said when we stepped out in the hallway. " are so mean. To Julie, to Flynn, even to your own friends!"

"Just remember, Julie isn't exactly an angel either." I said. "She stole my song and performed it at the talent show! When it was my turn to step out on the stage I had nothing to show!"

"That was years ago Carrie!" Nick shouted. "Let it go, she apologized!"

"Would you forgive her?" I asked chocking back tears. "If you had wrote a song, all by yourself, a song that you were so deeply proud of, and she stole it, would you just let it go!"

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