Part 5: The Otherside of Hollywood

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Warning: it's going to be another long one, sorry if that annoys you. 

Thrid person

Kaitlyn and Caleb apreared in his office at the Hollywood Ghost Club. Kaitlyn looked around, fear and confusion written on her face.

"I really didn't want it to have to be this way Katie." Caleb said. "But you simply know too much."

"What is this place?" Kaitlyn asked, looking around.

"Welcome to the Hollywood Ghost Club." Caleb said. "The people are going to love you."

"What do you mean?" Kaitlyn asked.

"Well I gotta put you to use." Caleb said. "You'll be performing with the band. I just need them to say yes."

"I want to go home!" Kaitlyn said. "Take me back to my mom you creep."

"I can't do that Katie." Caleb said. "Besides, why would you want to live with a liar anyway? You know there's one more thing you should know. The boys didn't die from an accident."

"Are you talking about Luke, Alex, and Reggie?" Kaitlyn asked.

"Yes I am." Caleb said. "Those hotdogs they had weren't tainted by car chemicals. They were poisioned, by Bobby, well it was my idea really."

"You and Bobby killed them? Why?"

"I need a band, and they are a perfect fit for my club." Caleb said. "Now, I have a show to go get ready for."

"Right this way." Willie said leading the guys into the club.

"So this is where your hotshot ghost lives, huh?" Luke asked leaning over the guard rail of the steps, looking out at the crowd.

"Yeah, we've walked by this hotel like a million times." Reggie said. "How come we've never heard of it?"

"That's because this area has been sealed off for decades. You wouldn't even know it's here unless you were invited." Willie says. "Alright, I gotta make sure everything's cool, but I'll be right back."

Willie walks off leaving just the three boys.

"Hollywood Ghost Club?" Reggie says reading the giant sign on the wall. "This place is creepy."

"Yeah well, so are we." Alex said.

Willie went backstage to talk to Caleb. He was nervous because he knew there was a chance he could use his stamp on the guys, but he wanted to make Alex happy. He couldn't bare to see the dissapointed look on his face when he told them he couldn't help them confront his lifer friend.

"Oh, hey um, Caleb?" Willie said to get his attention. "I brought those ghosts I met. It's still okay that they're here, right?"

"Of course William." Caleb said. "I even reserved a special table for them."

"Woah." Willie said. "Alright um thank you."

"No no. Thank you." Caleb said. "Oh, also could you show the new dancer where the costumes are, she's in my office."

"Yeah sure." Willie said, going to his right. He turned around and went left. "This way." He said nervously.

Carrie's POV

Me and Nick are at the dance, just to see Julie's holagram show. We were supposed to have a nice chill evening where we stayed in.

I never really liked dances. The lights, the crowd the loud music, it was all too much for me. It made me feel clasterphobic, like I was suffocating.

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