Chapter 9 - Token

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Mercutio was bewildered at his predicament - he had only awoke at the height of the day, and yet only a few hours later was he escorting Vita to a bed.

Only for her to rest - he had to remind himself of it every step of the stairs, no matter how close she was to him, no matter how warm her skin felt against his, no matter how sweet her kiss tasted on his lips....

"Mercutio, have we traversed enough steps?" Vita whispered, leaning her head against his shoulder.

He started, realising that he was approaching the top landing, a full flight above his own quarters. He was so engrossed in his thoughts of Vita that apparently walking up a flight of stairs was a challenge.

"My dear, would I be able to lift you? It would be easier than trying to get you to walk down the steps again..." Mercutio spoke softly, a sheepish blush alighting his cheeks.

Vita smirked, "As long as I am not too leaden my lord," then broke into a gentle laugh.

Mercutio's stomach dropped at the sound - so pure, so beautiful. "Leaden my lady? Why, I could not think of such a thing!" Focusing his will, he gently swept his arms around her, and settled her into a cradle against his chest. Now even closer, he worried that she might be able to feel his heart pounding in his chest. Her strong face was so soft and venerable, nestled against him. 

Being sure to take each step as carefully as he could, he made his way back down the stairs. Mercutio was certain that he would not make the same mistake twice - despite the flurry of thoughts spiralling in his head through to his heart.

Reaching the doorway, he pushed the door with his back, making his way into his chambers. Grimacing, he realised that he had not changed the sheets, and everything was in disarray. 

"I am loathe to bring you in here, my lady, while it's in such a state..." Mercutio started, looking down, "Vita?!" 

Her eyes were closed, her head lulling back resting on his arm. 

The shock starting him, he rushed her to the bed, pushing aside the blankets to lay her down. Gently taking her shoulders and shaking them,"Vita? You cannot sleep! The witch said not to let you sleep!"

Her eyes blinked open with a start, then immediately started to squint. "Oh if you insist... but can you not draw the curtains? It is so bright..." she mumbled.

Letting out a relieved sigh, he stood back up. He was nothing but a cauldron of emotions - between the heat and adoration he felt for Vita, the intense need to protect her, and the seething rage towards the ones who did this to her,  he was barely able to keep his head on his shoulders.

"I don't know if drawing the curtains would do any good - the light might assist in keeping you awake." He strode towards the window anyways, sparing a glance out the opening to look at the city. 

"Please Mercutio?"

He looked back, and the sight of her curled on his bed, her short hair splayed around her head like a halo, the afternoon sun setting her eyes aglow - he could have died right then as a happy man. It was only the look of pain on her face that stopped him from trying to show her how he felt, lest it make her feel worse. "Only for you, my sweet Vita."

That seemed to satisfy her, and he watched as the light of the room shift to a soft red glow, as the sunlight filtered through the fabric of the curtains. Seeing Vita on his bed set in this light only made the desire within him grow even hotter, and he had to bite his lip to quell the raging thoughts. He only hoped that she could not see how flustered he was around her, how entirely foolish she made him behave. 

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