Chapter 1 - An explanation and a meeting

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The sun beat down on the city, bathing everyone with its rich glow. Today would be a day to be blessed, as the days that would come after would be remembered for all of the wrong reasons.

We watch as a young man walks along the streets. His blond hair cast in his eyes, his sword dangling at his hip. This man, Mercutio, was the talk of the town. He was handsome, and dashing, and he was renowned for fighting with both his wit and his sword. He was also known for seducing many a maiden, fair or otherwise, with many of his exploits being twittered about in the noble parties.

He was related to the Prince Escalus, and so he was royalty. But he did not like being treated as such. He scorned his inheritance, and he mocked his very family name with the sarcasm that he readily sliced people near him with. So he became haughty, and he removed himself from the rest of society, save for a small group of people that he valued as true friends.

He spent time with one of the two dominant youth groups in the city: his group was called the Montagues, and their enemy group was the Capulets. They had been feuding for years now, ever since their parents quarrelled over lands taken by unjust means. So when the older generation grew weary, the younger stepped up and took the challenge with a passion that only young people hold.

Mercutio ran with the Montagues, even though that his uncle the Prince was against it. To stay neutral was to stay above it all, his uncle had said. But his uncle was old and haughty, and if he had had any desire to experience life, it was long gone. Mercutio loved life, and he loved his friends with equal passion. His closest friends were the two leaders of the Montague group: Benvolio and Romeo.

Benvolio, a handsome, brown haired young man, was generally against fighting. He was good in a brawl when he was enticed, but he would rather be off seducing a fair maid than fighting a battle in which he was not needed in. He and Romeo were cousins, and together with Mercutio, it could almost seem like they were family. They fought, drank, played and pretty much lived together. Mercutio was the oldest of them all, a fine young man at the age of 23. Benvolio was the next oldest, only turning 20 that summer. Romeo was the youngest, and by far the handsomest, even though he was only 19.

Out of all of them, Romeo was the romantic one, even though he had never been with a woman before. His interest of late was of Rosaline, a Capulet girl, who seemed to have swept his heart away. But his words were empty of the passion that Mercutio and Benvolio possessed, and so his words were like leaves on the Autumn wind; blowing away to the slightest breeze. Neither Mercutio or Benvolio could stand his mutterings, so they convinced him to accompany them to the Capulet's ball.

This party was the talk of the nobles, and it was to be a masque. All of the women were twittering as Mercutio walked through the town with Romeo and Benvolio flanking him. They were on the way to the tailors, to get Romeo's mind off Rosaline, and to get new clothes to go to the masqued ball.

"Ah, Romeo, will you not shut your mouth and open your eyes? There are many young fancies that can catch your eye," Mercutio crowed, winking at a young lady hanging out washing at her window. She blushed all the way down to her bosom, smiling seductively. Mercutio laughed, and put his arm around Romeo. "Come now, you cannot tell me that Rosaline has captured your mind so that you cannot dwell on another womans' smile?"

"Oh, Mercutio, I wish I could laugh it off as folly, but I cannot take my mind from her, for she has captured it like a child catches a butterfly: so innocent, yet with almost cruel intents."

Benvolio rolled his eyes, mimicing Romeo's lovesick talk. "Honestly, I will die before I hear more of this absurd chatter. Mercutio, give Romeo a knock over the head, that may clear his mind enough to have a completely sane converstion with us."

Mercutio slapped the back of Romeo's head playfully, ducking to avoid the coming blow. They continued this banter until they reached the tailors, stopping outside the door.

"Ah, Benvolio! Look there! That blue would look very nice against Romeo's fine skin and eyes!" Mercutio jabbed, laughing as he did so.

Romeo rolled his eyes, pulling at his purse."Come on, you flirt-gills! I would like this over with!"

Mercutio followed Romeo and Benvolio into the store, inhaling the aroma of silks and velvets. He saw all of the beautiful colours that decorated the inside of the store, and the lush trims that hung from the ceiling like vines of silk. He only liked fabric when it was strewn on the floor of his chamber, and the woman who had worn it was draped across his bed. But he could appreciate the craftsmanship and beauty of the fabric all the same.

An older man ambled out from around one of the corners in the store, straightening his vest. He was well dressed and well kept, however the clothes he wore were plain and simple - unlike much of the other fabrics in the store. Mercutio mused that this was to perhaps prevent his family from losing money - using your own merchandise was not a good way to get a profit on expensive fabrics.

"Ah, gentlemen, welcome to my store. My name is Lorenzo, and my daughter and I will be helping you today. What do you need?" the man spoke, bowing deeply before the young lords.

"Well, my friends and I need some new clothing to go to the ball. What do you offer?" Mercutio replied with a smile, reciprocating Lorenzo's bow with a nod of his head.

"Whatever you can pay for," a voice said from behind a pile of cotton.

A woman stepped from behind the fabric, and all of the young men were stunned into silence. Her brunette hair was cut short, like a man, yet her figure betrayed her. She had a curvy shape, with voluptuous hips and breasts, further emphasised by a tie around her waist. She had on a shift that was green in colour, the same colour as her eyes. She wasn't extremely beautiful, but her features were strong and intelligent. She was carrying a basket of ribbon at her hip, making her lean over slightly. She looked at all of the noble youths with slight disdain, almost derision.

Immediately Mercutio was intrigued. He always liked seducing proud maidens. "Well," Mercutio purred, stepping forward, "What might your name be, young lady?" He took her free hand and kissed it.

Unimpressed, the woman, pulled her hand away from Mercutio's grip, replying "This lovely young lady's name is none of your concern, you vain mammet."

"Vita!" Lorenzo shouted, moving over to the girl. He pulled her away and pushed her to the back room before any more damage could be done.

Benvolio and Romeo were struggling to keep their laughter contained, for the look on Mercutio's face was one of dumbstruck shock. Wall-eyed, Mercutio shook his head trying to clear his thoughts, and slightly scolded himself for not reacting quicker to this woman's wit. But what shocked him most was that she had rejected him. Not just a playful and sweet rejection that was often the prelude to lewder things, but a complete, cold and stony one.

By God, that made him want her all the more.

"Who was she?" Mercutio inquired Lorenzo after he returned.

"She is my daughter, Vita. Her mother died of a sickness years ago, so she grew up resenting life," Lorenzo answered with a bow of his head. He spoke with a slight tinge of regret, possibly in how he had raised his daughter. "I am terribly sorry about her attitude, she generally doesn't like men, especially of the higher classes. I hope I can make it up to you by fitting you with some new garb?" Lorenzo proffered, starting to grab velvets and silks for the young men to view.

Benvolio and Romeo nodded and started to talk with Lorenzo about the clothes for the ball, discussing latest styles and fashions. Mercutio leaned against the wall of the room, his eyes drifting towards the door where Vita had been stashed through. He was listening to the conversation between the other men, but his mind wandered. Despite feeling sorry for Lorenzo and Vita for losing a loved one, Mercutio smiled. Now he had a name to add to the humour and wit, and he was looking forward to seducing the young mistress.

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