Chapter 7 - Suffer fools

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Vita breathed in the smell of Mercutio, the scent calming her racing heart. She didn't even care that the servant was still in the room with them - she just needed Mercutio. 

"Dear Vita, what is wrong? What is making you cry so?" Mercutio spoke softly, stroking her head and back.

"Oh Mercutio, the Capulet youths are horrid!" Vita sobbed into his shirt, "I shudder to think what might have happened if Rosaline hadn't arrived..."

Mercutio shook his head in confusion, the wine in his blood still addling his sense. Motioning to the servant, he guided Vita into a room off the foyer, filled with velvet couches and rich tapestries. 

"I apologise my dear, I seem to be still intoxicated since last night, I do not understand of what you speak," he gently explained, sitting them both on one of the couches. 

Vita let out an anguished yell, pushing herself off the couch and away from Mercutio. "I felt so powerless, so weak! The lords of Verona should be the pinnacles of human decency, but their wealth has corrupted their souls like a rotten apple!" she raged, seemingly ignoring Mercutio's words, "They sit in their mansions and treat the poor and weak like their own personal entertainment - how many people have they hurt, how many women have they raped, all for a bit of fun?" 

Mercutio sat upright, starting to understand the solemnity of her words. "Vita, what happened?" he questioned more loudly, grabbing her wrists and looking into her eyes. 

Vita sniffed, the tears from before drying on her cheeks. "The Capulet lot, Tybalt and his cronies - they forced themselves on me, and the only thing that stopped them from getting what they wanted was Rosaline."

Mercutio's blood started to boil. How dare those vile rats touch Vita? "Did they hurt you?" he breathed, his hands around her face. 

Vita saw the anger in Mercutio's eyes as she answered, "Yes, they pushed me into a wall, but there was no blood."

"They're breathing their last breaths, they just don't know it. I swear I will make them suffer for the wrong they have done you," Mercutio growled, stalking towards the door of the room, preparing to get his sword. If he hurried, he might be able to catch them before they got too far from the Capulet house.

"Mercutio, wait..." Vita called, then collapsed on the couch behind her.

He looked back, then ran back to her, helping her onto the couch more properly. "Vita, you are not well - I will fetch the surgeon immediately, he will know what to do," he whispered softly, laying her back on the pillows.

"Only if you promise me something," she replied weakly, the colour draining from her face.

"What my dear, I would do anything for you."

"I entreat you to stay with me - do not go on revenge tonight, for I wish to be by your side when you do - I want to see them pay for what they have done," Vita breathed, gripping onto Mercutio's arm.

Mercutio couldn't help but smile despite his anger, falling deeper in love with the fire-tempered woman before him. "Sweet Vita, if it is what you desire, then that is what you shall receive. I shall put aside my plans for revenge tonight, so that I may spend more time with you." His fingers stroked her cheek, then her forehead. "Oh love, you're sweating - I will get the surgeon. I swear I will be right back," he promised, starting to get up.

Vita smiled, then pushed herself up on her elbows and softly touched her lips to his. She then settled back into the couch, eyes closed and breathing deeply. 

Mercutio nearly fell over backwards with shock. She had kissed him! His lips still tingled from the soft brush of her lips, so quick and fleeting, but alight like a flame had blazed over his mouth. What had occurred last night for her feelings to change so quickly? His heart was racing nearly as fast as his thoughts, trying to remember what he had done to affect her so.

Not wishing to disturb her rest, he got up and headed towards the door, off to fetch the surgeon. His feelings could wait - Vita was all that mattered now. 

Then again, wasn't she always?


Vita's head pounded like a drum, to the beat of her heart. She almost wish she had fainted completely, then she wouldn't be subject to such pain. 

She internally berated herself for acting so girlish - fainting in front of Mercutio like that, how simple of her. She didn't doubt that many a maiden had used that ruse to woo Mercutio and the other lords before. I'd like to see them try to withstand the pain in my head without passing out properly, she thought, smirking. 

She wondered where Mercutio had gone to get a surgeon - obviously a noble one, else they wouldn't deign to allow them into their homes.

She heard some noise at the door, and opened her eyes, the soft light of the lanterns illuminating the room in a warm light. Mercutio walked in, his face drawn with concern and worry. Behind him trailed an older man carrying a leather bag - he wore expensive clothes, black velvets and silks, showing the wealth that he earned from tending to the rich. 

"Good sir, please help this woman, she has had a strike to her head and fainted not 20 minutes ago. Is there anything you can do to help her?" Mercutio entreated, being careful so as to not tip off the surgeon of any relationship, lest the rumours start flying. 

"Of course my lord, of course," the surgeon replied, bowing. He approached the couch, critiquing Vita. He seemed professional, inspecting her in a careful and gentle manner, which was surprising to Vita. 

"Well my lord, it seems this young woman has a shock - the strike to her head has caused the brain to shake about. I recommend a trepanning immediately to relieve the pressure and ease the pain," the surgeon said, reaching towards his surgical bag.

Vita's eyes widened in horror, hurriedly trying to push herself off from the couch. "Actually, I think I am in a much better sorts - I recall that I have not had anything to eat today, or drink. That must be the cause of my fainting spell. Nothing to worry about," Vita gritted through a forced smile, struggling to keep her pain hidden. 

The surgeon quirked a brow at her, then sighed and pulled his hand back out of the bag. Shrugging, he turned to a confused Mercutio, "My lord, I do believe this woman needs some food and drink - I would not recommend wine, as it may unsteady her further." He bowed, once to Mercutio and once to Vita, then proceeded to the door, muttering, "Never get to do any trepanning..."

As soon as the surgeon had exited the door, Vita swayed into Mercutio, grabbing him with all her strength.

"Vita! Why did you lie to the surgeon? He would have eased your pain!" he stated, swooping his arm under her knees and cradling her in his arms, taking her back to the couch.

"Mercutio, have you never read a medical text? Trepanning would have opened my skull, leaving my brain open to the elements - I assure you, it would have made it worse," Vita sighed, settling back onto the couch, only to wince again as the pounding in her head got worse. 

Mercutio's face went white as a sheet, then quickly shook the thoughts of revulsion from his head, focusing back on Vita. "Then what are we to do? You are still in pain, and I don't wish to see you suffer."

"Oh Mercutio, I suffer daily, but it is only of fools and their empty minds," Vita snarked, "You must go find Merelda, the healer from my district. She'll have a... less drastic method of helping."

"If you so desire, I shall do anything," Mercutio said, a fire in his eyes, as he leaped up and started towards the door. Pausing for a small moment, he asked sheepishly, "Where might I find Merelda? I may get slightly lost."

"You'll find her near my father's house - people on the street should be able to guide you, she is well known there. Oh, and Mercutio?" Vita called, tipping her head back to look at him.

"Yes, my sun?" 

"Maybe put on a shirt, preferably one of your plainer ones."

Mercutio looked down at his shirt and gave her a crooked grin, making her heart race. "Now why would I do that? I think I look rather dashing."

Vita smiled as he bounded up the stairs, mentally agreeing with him - he did look rather dashing, and more, in his undershirt and hose. 

The lover of MercutioOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz